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If you have followed the tutorial you will have two files:

  • key.pem
  • key.pfx

You will need a private key file you can obtain by running this command::

openssl pkcs12 -in key.pfx -out private_key.pem -nodes

This is an example Python code to authenticate using a certificate:

from winrm.protocol import Protocol

p = Protocol( endpoint='https://<ip>:5986/wsman', transport='ssl', username='Admin', certpem='key.pem', certkeypem='privatekey.pem')

shellid = p.openshell()

commandid = p.runcommand(shell_id, 'ipconfig', ['/all'])

stdout, stderr, statuscode = p.getcommandoutput(shellid, command_id)

p.cleanupcommand(shellid, command_id)



The certificate authentication support has been included in pywinrm with this commit:

Make sure you have the pywinrm version which contains this patch.

Hope it helps.


If you have followed the tutorial you will have two files:

  • key.pem
  • key.pfx

You will need a private key file you can obtain by running this command::command:

openssl pkcs12 -in key.pfx -out private_key.pem -nodes

This is an example Python code to authenticate using a certificate:certificate:

from winrm.protocol import Protocol

p = Protocol( endpoint='https://<ip>:5986/wsman', transport='ssl', username='Admin', certpem='key.pem', certkeypem='privatekey.pem')

shellid = p.openshell()

commandid = p.runcommand(shell_id, 'ipconfig', ['/all'])

stdout, stderr, statuscode = p.getcommandoutput(shellid, command_id)

p.cleanupcommand(shellid, command_id)



The certificate authentication support has been included in pywinrm with this commit:

Make sure you have the pywinrm version which contains this patch.

Hope it helps.