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The reason you are getting the error is due to an outdated documentation.

Please refer to the following answer:

Short story instead of issuing:

ovs-vsctl.exe add-port br0 external

you should now issue:

ovs-vsctl.exe add-port br0 external.1

ovs-vsctl.exe add-port br0 internal

" In OVS for Hyper-V, we use 'external' as a special name to refer to the physical NICs connected to the Hyper-V switch. An index is added to this special name to refer to the particular physical NIC. Eg. 'external.1' refers to the first physical NIC on the Hyper-V switch.

Note: Currently, we assume that the Hyper-V switch on which OVS extension is enabled has a single physical NIC connected to it.

Interal port is the virtual adapter created on the Hyper-V switch using the 'AllowManagementOS' setting. In OVS for Hyper-V, we use a 'internal' as a special name to refer to that adapter."