![]() | 1 | initial version |
I am seeing the same "Waiting for sysprep completion. GeneralizationState: 3" repeating over and over in my cloudbase-init.log file. The first 3 lines of my log file are
2019-03-21 23:50:06.004 2752 INFO cloudbaseinit.init [-] Respawning current process with updated credentials.
2019-03-21 23:50:06.723 2796 INFO cloudbaseinit.init [-] Cloudbase-Init version: 0.9.11
2019-03-21 23:50:07.734 2796 INFO cloudbaseinit.osutils.windows [-] Waiting for sysprep completion. GeneralizationState: 3
And that last line is repeating for over 24 hours now. There is no cloud-init-unattend.log being generated.
I'm building images with Packer vmware-iso. My OS install autounattend.xml runs a powershell script that disables some power management (like turning of the network interface after idle, etc) and enables WinRM over https. Then Packer provisioners connect via WinRM to install VMWare Tools, reboot, install Cloudbase-init
$cbinit_params = @("/i", $cbinit_msi, "/qn", "/l*v", "C:\Windows\Temp\cloudbase-init-install-log.txt", "LOGGINGSERIALPORTNAME=COM1")
$cbinit_proc = Start-Process -FilePath msiexec.exe -ArgumentList $cbinit_params -Wait -Passthru
if (-Not ($cbinit_proc.ExitCode -In @("0", "1641", "3010"))) {
Write-EventLog -LogName 'Windows Powershell' -Source $ScriptName -EventID "105" -EntryType "Error" -Message
"Install of CloudBase-Init failed with status $cbinit_proc.ExitCode" } Start-Sleep -s 10
and run sysprep
"inline": [
"cd \"C:\\Program Files\\Cloudbase Solutions\\Cloudbase-Init\\conf\"",
"C:\\Windows\\System32\\Sysprep\\Sysprep.exe /generalize /oobe /quit /unattend:Unattend.xml",
"Start-Sleep 20"
I use the /quit and Start-Sleep as I was concerned it was shuting down before it had actually finished.