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Migration of vAppliances and theire dependencies

asked 2016-05-27 09:14:53 +0300

Aneeque gravatar image

Can we migrate multiple workloads, demos only shows migration of Operating System images but how successful this tool is when we have to migrate a vApplicances which can be a combination of more than one VM. Also can we do rollback and post migration validation of the migrated instances.

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answered 2016-05-30 05:32:16 +0300

Nashwan Azhari gravatar image

Hello there,

Coriolis' main purpose is to migrate virtual machines, and as such its API is geared towards operations on the vm level as seen in the demo videos. However, it does also bring any relevant resources directly attached to the virtual machine along with it (ex: it tries to best recreate the network topology the VM was in, add devices such as CD-ROMS, USBs etc..).

That being said, and coupled with the 'coordinated migrations' Coriolis does, it should be more that straightforward to just ask for all the VM's you need to be migrated in part.

As for rollbacks; Coriolis does NOT delete or modify any of the items on the source cloud at all by default (note that VM downtime may be necessary on some platforms though (for example on ESXi exporting a VM requires the machine to be powered off)), but Coriolis restarts them ASAP to keep lost time at a minimum. As such, there is no real need for a rollback mechanism as nothing would require it.

The 'validation' part is a bit trickier... Coriolis DOES indeed validate the instance has been migrated successfully (i.e. if they have booted properly on the destination cloud and are up and running), but it cannot reason about whether or not the application(s) running on that VM have started as expected, which is left to the VM owner(s) to determine (which could be done programmatically, but is sadly too application-specific to be within Coriolis' scope).

Hope this helped, Nashwan.

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Asked: 2016-05-27 09:14:53 +0300

Seen: 599 times

Last updated: May 30 '16