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OpenStack™ Hyper-V Compute Driver - Error

asked 2017-02-01 17:00:47 +0300

Yousri gravatar image


i use cloudbase "OpenStack™ Hyper-V Compute Driver", i followed the installation wizerd, but still facing below error when i try to create VM:

Instance failed network setup after 1 attempt(s)

no error in neutron logs in controller node.

really i stucked in this error for 1 week :(

can i find help here please?

======================================== 2017-01-31 17:11:30.270 9344 INFO [req-24db6b2c-208a-456c-8d54-e38b5f1daa1c 356cfa1b47724bb6a2499b5188bbaa92 9b5d86577626462cba46aa4a6d339880 - - -] [instance: 826a62e2-cc14-450c-96e7-39f7a889b22e] Attempting claim: memory 2048 MB, disk 22 GB, vcpus 1 CPU 2017-01-31 17:11:30.270 9344 INFO [req-24db6b2c-208a-456c-8d54-e38b5f1daa1c 356cfa1b47724bb6a2499b5188bbaa92 9b5d86577626462cba46aa4a6d339880 - - -] [instance: 826a62e2-cc14-450c-96e7-39f7a889b22e] Total memory: 16381 MB, used: 512.00 MB 2017-01-31 17:11:30.270 9344 INFO [req-24db6b2c-208a-456c-8d54-e38b5f1daa1c 356cfa1b47724bb6a2499b5188bbaa92 9b5d86577626462cba46aa4a6d339880 - - -] [instance: 826a62e2-cc14-450c-96e7-39f7a889b22e] memory limit: 24571.50 MB, free: 24059.50 MB 2017-01-31 17:11:30.270 9344 INFO [req-24db6b2c-208a-456c-8d54-e38b5f1daa1c 356cfa1b47724bb6a2499b5188bbaa92 9b5d86577626462cba46aa4a6d339880 - - -] [instance: 826a62e2-cc14-450c-96e7-39f7a889b22e] Total disk: 272 GB, used: 0.00 GB 2017-01-31 17:11:30.286 9344 INFO [req-24db6b2c-208a-456c-8d54-e38b5f1daa1c 356cfa1b47724bb6a2499b5188bbaa92 9b5d86577626462cba46aa4a6d339880 - - -] [instance: 826a62e2-cc14-450c-96e7-39f7a889b22e] disk limit: 272.00 GB, free: 272.00 GB 2017-01-31 17:11:30.286 9344 INFO [req-24db6b2c-208a-456c-8d54-e38b5f1daa1c 356cfa1b47724bb6a2499b5188bbaa92 9b5d86577626462cba46aa4a6d339880 - - -] [instance: 826a62e2-cc14-450c-96e7-39f7a889b22e] Total vcpu: 4 VCPU, used: 0.00 VCPU 2017-01-31 17:11:30.286 9344 INFO [req-24db6b2c-208a-456c-8d54-e38b5f1daa1c 356cfa1b47724bb6a2499b5188bbaa92 9b5d86577626462cba46aa4a6d339880 - - -] [instance: 826a62e2-cc14-450c-96e7-39f7a889b22e] vcpu limit: 64.00 VCPU, free: 64.00 VCPU 2017-01-31 17:11:30.286 9344 INFO [req-24db6b2c-208a-456c-8d54-e38b5f1daa1c 356cfa1b47724bb6a2499b5188bbaa92 9b5d86577626462cba46aa4a6d339880 - - -] [instance: 826a62e2-cc14-450c-96e7-39f7a889b22e] Claim successful 2017-01-31 17:11:32.303 9344 INFO osvif [req-24db6b2c-208a-456c-8d54-e38b5f1daa1c 356cfa1b47724bb6a2499b5188bbaa92 9b5d86577626462cba46aa4a6d339880 - - -] Loaded VIF plugin class '<class 'vif_plug_ovs.ovs.ovsplugin'="">' with name 'ovs' 2017-01-31 17:11:32.303 9344 INFO osvif [req-24db6b2c-208a-456c-8d54-e38b5f1daa1c 356cfa1b47724bb6a2499b5188bbaa92 9b5d86577626462cba46aa4a6d339880 - - -] Loaded VIF plugin class '<class 'vif_plug_linux_bridge.linux_bridge.linuxbridgeplugin'="">' with name 'linuxbridge' 2017-01-31 17:11:32.303 9344 WARNING nova.image.glance [req-24db6b2c-208a-456c-8d54-e38b5f1daa1c 356cfa1b47724bb6a2499b5188bbaa92 9b5d86577626462cba46aa4a6d339880 - - -] No protocol specified in for apiserver '', please update [glance] apiservers with fully qualified url including scheme (http / https) 2017-01-31 17:11:32.397 9344 INFO hyperv.nova.vmops [req-24db6b2c-208a-456c-8d54-e38b5f1daa1c 356cfa1b47724bb6a2499b5188bbaa92 9b5d86577626462cba46aa4a6d339880 - - -] [instance: 826a62e2-cc14-450c-96e7-39f7a889b22e] Spawning new instance 2017-01-31 17:11:32.413 9344 WARNING nova.image.glance [req-24db6b2c-208a-456c-8d54-e38b5f1daa1c 356cfa1b47724bb6a2499b5188bbaa92 9b5d86577626462cba46aa4a6d339880 - - -] No protocol specified in for apiserver '', please update [glance] apiservers with fully qualified url including scheme (http / https) 2017-01-31 17:11:39.601 9344 ERROR nova.compute.manager [req-24db6b2c-208a-456c-8d54-e38b5f1daa1c 356cfa1b47724bb6a2499b5188bbaa92 9b5d86577626462cba46aa4a6d339880 - - -] Instance failed network setup after 1 attempt(s) 2017-01-31 17:11:39.601 9344 ERROR nova.compute.manager Traceback (most recent call last): 2017-01-31 17:11:39.601 9344 ERROR nova.compute.manager File "C:\Program Files\Cloudbase Solutions\OpenStack\Nova\Python27\lib\site-packages\nova\compute\", line 1397, in _allocatenetworkasync 2017-01-31 17:11:39.601 9344 ERROR nova.compute.manager bindhostid=bindhostid) 2017-01-31 17:11:39.601 9344 ERROR nova.compute.manager File "C:\Program Files\Cloudbase Solutions\OpenStack\Nova\Python27\lib\site-packages\nova\network\neutronv2\", line 881, in allocateforinstance 2017-01-31 17:11 ... (more)

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answered 2017-06-07 06:46:18 +0300

wangzhuo gravatar image

updated 2017-06-07 06:48:11 +0300

emphasized text I have the same problem

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Hello wangzhuo! Could you please give us more details about your environment? Are you using neutron-hyperv-agent or neutron-ovs-agent? What is your OpenStack version? Some logs would be also helpfully. Thanks, Alin.

abalutoiu gravatar imageabalutoiu ( 2017-06-09 13:03:18 +0300 )edit

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Asked: 2017-02-01 17:00:47 +0300

Seen: 328 times

Last updated: Jun 07 '17