Open vSwitch(OVS) Hyper-V 2.6.1 - DVR
Hi, Do the current version OVS Hyper-V 2.6.1 support OpenStack Neutron Distributed Virtual Router (DVR )?
For DVR, starting with the upcoming Pike release, the recommended way is to use OVN + OVS
In order to have OVS DVR, the neutron-l3-agent is required to also run on Windows, which is not supported at the moment.
Best regards,
Claudiu Belu
Hi Claudiu,
So there is no solution to make Hyper-V and DVR working together ? For now the only thing that is not working for us with DVR it's the floating IP.
Do you have any suggestion to make it works ?
Thanks for your help.
Asked: 2017-07-27 18:45:55 +0200
Seen: 311 times
Last updated: Nov 28 '17