How does ceilometer polls metrics from hyper-v node in openstack queens?
Hi Team, We request your help in solving an issue related to the openstack hyper-v ceilometer polling. We have configured queens version of openstack in hyper-v with cloudbase package. Enabled freerdp, nova-compute, hyper-v networking and ceilometer using cloudbase package.We are able to launch instance in a network and able to console it using freerdp. We are using gnocchi + ceilometer for metering, so we have enabled ceilometer in hyper-v node for polling metrics. But the values are not displayed correctly. We have enabled guest vm resource metering in hyper-v however it is showing average value, we are not sure if this is the right method. Please let us know how we can fix this issue or kindly guide us for getting usage metrics from the hyper-v compute node.
Hi, We are also facing the same issue. Ceilometer doesnt poll correct value using cloudbase package for Hyper-V. Cloudbase team can you please help us?
We have hyper-v and trying to poll the data to ceilometer for building performance metrics. Cloudbase, do you have a how to document on leveraging your tool to pull the data? Any help in this will be appreciated. thanks!
Can someone assist with this? I am also looking for this when using a cloudbase hyperV setup that I am running with KVM; Libvirt setup works flawlessly though.
Cludbase team, Can you please help here?