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Support for phone_home

asked 2020-06-11 11:30:03 +0200

jdillet gravatar image


Do you plan to add support for phone_home? There is an open review for this, but last comments are from last year and no more action since then:

Regards, Jose

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answered 2020-06-11 13:20:46 +0200

avladu gravatar image


The patch needs to be reworked, as it tried to be as close as possible with the cloud-init counterpart and at this moment I do not know if it makes sense to make so complicated. Can you share a cloud-config snippet on how you would like to use the feature?

Thank you.

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Yes, something like: phone_home: url: https://<engine-fqdn>/path?token=<unique-token> where <engine-fqdn> is the fqdn of the engine that created the VM, and <unique-token> is some generated token used by this engine to match which request has finished. In other words, url depends on each request

jdillet gravatar imagejdillet ( 2020-06-11 17:27:07 +0200 )edit

Any update on this? here's the full specification: I can help moving this PR forward, is there a contributing guideline? And where should I operate, github or opendev/launchpad?

andrea-ghensi gravatar imageandrea-ghensi ( 2022-05-21 16:20:03 +0200 )edit

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Asked: 2020-06-11 11:30:03 +0200

Seen: 209 times

Last updated: Jun 11 '20