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Windows server 2019 with OVS and nova compute

asked 2020-07-13 17:57:52 +0200

ahabib gravatar image

Hello All,

My goal is to run hyper-v with OVS as a compute node the installers provided by Cloudbase helped a lot, but i faced a few problems as follows:


  • Windows server 2019 standard

  • OVS 2.7 certified worked only: other builds had an issue with pnputil.exe -e the version of the driver version be old and and say 1.0 and OVS wouldn’t run yielding unable to load kernel module error

    I had another problem with continues disconnection to the OVS DB moving to windows server 2019 from 2016 kinda solved the issue

  • Openstack Train

My current problem is that Nova runs fine i can create an instance and would move to Running but the vif creation would fail and no network on the instance.

Any help is very much appreciated.


2020-07-13 12:23:27.339 4044 INFO osvif [-] Loaded VIF plugins: linuxbridge, noop, ovs 2020-07-13 12:23:29.183 4044 INFO nova.virt.driver [req-d28b727c-9bec-4789-b56e-c67a6ac1071c - - - - -] Loading compute driver 'computehyperv.driver.HyperVDriver' 2020-07-13 12:23:30.354 4044 INFO nova.service [req-d28b727c-9bec-4789-b56e-c67a6ac1071c - - - - -] Starting compute node (version 20.0.1) 2020-07-13 12:23:30.573 4044 WARNING [req-d28b727c-9bec-4789-b56e-c67a6ac1071c - - - - -] The device does not exist on the system: 902c9f69-0ab4-4eb6-a46c-07032e452525 2020-07-13 12:23:31.714 4044 ERROR vifplugovs.ovsdb.implvsctl [req-d28b727c-9bec-4789-b56e-c67a6ac1071c - - - - -] Unable to execute ['ovs-vsctl', '--timeout=120', '--oneline', '--format=json', '--db=tcp:', '--', '--may-exist', 'add-br', 'br-int', '--', 'set', 'Bridge', 'br-int', 'datapathtype=system']. Exception: Unexpected error while running command. Command: ovs-vsctl --timeout=120 --oneline --format=json --db=tcp: -- --may-exist add-br br-int -- set Bridge br-int datapathtype=system Exit code: 1 Stdout: '' Stderr: 'ovs-vsctl: tcp: database connection failed ()\r\n': oslo_concurrency.processutils.ProcessExecutionError: Unexpected error while running command.


2020-07-13 11:41:17.099 5064 ERROR neutron.agent.common.asyncprocess [-] Error received from [ovsdb-client monitor unix:C:\ProgramData\openvswitch\db.sock Interface name,ofport,externalids --format=json]: 2020-07-13T15:41:17Z|00001|fatalsignal|WARN|terminating with signal 2 2020-07-13 11:41:17.115 5064 ERROR neutron.agent.common.asyncprocess [-] Error received from [ovsdb-client monitor unix:C:\ProgramData\openvswitch\db.sock Interface name,ofport,external_ids --format=json]: None


2020-07-13T17:25:13.932Z|00180|rconn|INFO|br-int<->tcp: connected 2020-07-13T17:25:14.674Z|00181|netdevvport|WARN|vxlan-0a41041d: unknown vxlan argument 'egresspktmark' 2020-07-13T17:25:14.674Z|00182|netdevvport|WARN|vxlan-0a41041a: unknown vxlan argument 'egresspktmark' 2020-07-13T17:25:15.400Z|00205|connmgr|INFO|br-int<->unix: 1 flowmods in the last 0 s (1 adds) 2020-07-13T17:25:15.696Z|00214|connmgr|INFO|br-int<->unix: 1 flowmods in the last 0 s (1 adds) 2020-07-13T17:25:24.680Z|00215|connmgr|INFO|br-int<->tcp: 5 flowmods 10 s ago (5 adds) 2020-07-13T17:25:25.117Z|00216|connmgr|INFO|br-tun<->tcp: ...

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answered 2020-07-26 09:43:30 +0200

ahabib gravatar image

so i kinda solved this ! :D

the thing is for hyper-v you need special images to run on the hypervisor you download them from cloudbase for the db of ovs connection..rather than using unix sockets you can change ovs to allow connection to ip and port and change that in the nova and neutron agent configs to use that. currently i was able to run windows server 2012 from cloudbase but not linux i will try to install a .VHDX linux image.


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Hi, i'm facing same problem you have. my logs file have same err logs as yours have. What do mean by " for the db of ovs connection..rather than using unix sockets you can change ovs to allow connection to ip and port and change that in the nova and neutron agent configs to use that" ?

usmanghani gravatar imageusmanghani ( 2021-05-14 09:13:35 +0200 )edit

Highly appreciate if you share the config files of nova-compute and ovs-agent as well

usmanghani gravatar imageusmanghani ( 2021-05-14 09:14:55 +0200 )edit

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Asked: 2020-07-13 17:57:52 +0200

Seen: 654 times

Last updated: Jul 26 '20