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Network Interface not attached to vm

asked 2021-05-14 08:58:47 +0200

usmanghani gravatar image

updated 2021-05-14 09:09:00 +0200

Hi, I've set up OpenStack train on a separate machine and tried to add windows 2019 as compute node with openvswitch driver to it. Openstack added my hyperv compute node and also ovs agent status is up with similey face. The problem is when I create VM it's get created, but no network interface is attached to it. I've posted logs of nova-compute, ovs-agent, ovs-server, and ovsdb. Any help would be great as I'm stuck for 2 days. Thanks!!

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< nova-compute.log >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2021-05-13 22:39:27.450 8408 ERROR vifplugovs.ovsdb.implvsctl [req-a5bcc810-de24-4da9-a161-a2622cbeab6f 3a8f0dc6466e4799a64ba3ca7af598c8 3d1030549f5446ee9ece7c147b776b8a - default default] Unable to execute ['ovs-vsctl', '--timeout=120', '--oneline', '--format=json', '--db=tcp:', '--', '--may-exist', 'add-br', 'br-int', '--', 'set', 'Bridge', 'br-int', 'datapathtype=system']. Exception: Unexpected error while running command. Command: ovs-vsctl --timeout=120 --oneline --format=json --db=tcp: -- --may-exist add-br br-int -- set Bridge br-int datapathtype=system Exit code: 1 Stdout: '' Stderr: 'ovs-vsctl: tcp: database connection failed (Unknown error)\r\n': osloconcurrency.processutils.ProcessExecutionError: Unexpected error while running command. 2021-05-13 22:39:28.498 8408 ERROR vifplugovs.ovsdb.implvsctl [req-a5bcc810-de24-4da9-a161-a2622cbeab6f 3a8f0dc6466e4799a64ba3ca7af598c8 3d1030549f5446ee9ece7c147b776b8a - default default] Unable to execute ['ovs-vsctl', '--timeout=120', '--oneline', '--format=json', '--db=tcp:', '--', '--may-exist', 'add-port', 'br-int', '247a8bb7-da5f-4164-8d9d-777a71d64688', '--', 'set', 'Interface', '247a8bb7-da5f-4164-8d9d-777a71d64688', 'externalids:iface-id=247a8bb7-da5f-4164-8d9d-777a71d64688', 'externalids:iface-status=active', 'externalids:attached-mac=fa:16:3e:76:a7:d6', 'externalids:vm-uuid=89779800-2db9-4688-a749-0fc9947e4498']. Exception: Unexpected error while running command. Command: ovs-vsctl --timeout=120 --oneline --format=json --db=tcp: -- --may-exist add-port br-int 247a8bb7-da5f-4164-8d9d-777a71d64688 -- set Interface 247a8bb7-da5f-4164-8d9d-777a71d64688 externalids:iface-id=247a8bb7-da5f-4164-8d9d-777a71d64688 externalids:iface-status=active externalids:attached-mac=fa:16:3e:76:a7:d6 externalids:vm-uuid=89779800-2db9-4688-a749-0fc9947e4498 Exit code: 1 Stdout: '' Stderr: 'ovs-vsctl: tcp: database connection failed ()\r\n': osloconcurrency.processutils.ProcessExecutionError: Unexpected error while running command. 2021-05-13 22:39:28.519 8408 INFO osvif [req-a5bcc810-de24-4da9-a161-a2622cbeab6f 3a8f0dc6466e4799a64ba3ca7af598c8 3d1030549f5446ee9ece7c147b776b8a - default default] Successfully plugged vif VIFOpenVSwitch(active=False,address=fa:16:3e:76:a7:d6,bridgename='br-int',hastrafficfiltering=True,id=247a8bb7-da5f-4164-8d9d-777a71d64688,network=Network(fc43f038-5731-462a-9f7e-d1d39f58ec5c),plugin='ovs',portprofile=VIFPortProfileOpenVSwitch,preserveondelete=False,vifname='tap247a8bb7-da') 2021-05-13 22:40:28.533 8408 WARNING compute_hyperv.nova.vmops [req-a5bcc810-de24-4da9-a161-a2622cbeab6f 3a8f0dc6466e4799a64ba3ca7af598c8 3d1030549f5446ee9ece7c147b776b8a - default default] [instance: 89779800-2db9-4688-a749-0fc9947e4498] Timeout waiting for vif plugging callback for instance.: eventlet.timeout.Timeout: 60 seconds 2021-05-13 22:40:29.359 8408 INFO nova.compute.manager [req-a5bcc810-de24-4da9-a161-a2622cbeab6f 3a8f0dc6466e4799a64ba3ca7af598c8 3d1030549f5446ee9ece7c147b776b8a - default default] [instance: 89779800-2db9-4688-a749-0fc9947e4498] Took 70.50 seconds to spawn the instance on the hypervisor.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ovs-agent.log >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

2021-05-13 22:39:19.139 6304 INFO neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.openvswitch.agent.ovsneutronagent [req-4e633bd7-7a8b-4fd1-afd2-35e3015c07a5 - - - - -] Agent rpcloop - iteration:96 completed. Processed ports statistics: {'regular': {'added': 0, 'updated': 0, 'removed': 0}}. Elapsed:0.152 2021-05-13 22:39:20.484 6304 INFO neutron.agent.securitygroupsrpc [req-1416ac4b-455d-467d-8722-afad6c97d81c cac8810767e042abae046315ca28b484 4177efb4a5014e23b72801a9f2acad9d - - -] Security group member updated {'cc9326fa-5277-4482-bb14-903bce214090'} 2021-05-13 22:39:21.003 6304 INFO neutron.plugins ... (more)

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answered 2021-05-24 10:42:20 +0200

lpetrut gravatar image


This seems to be the problem: 'ovs-vsctl: tcp: database connection failed ()\r\n'. Make sure that OVS is installed and that the OVS services are running. Also, double check that ovs db is configured to accept TCP connections on that port.

As a side note, I suggest switching to the networking-hyperv neutron agent. We're no longer maintaining ovs.

Regards, Lucian

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Asked: 2021-05-14 08:58:47 +0200

Seen: 619 times

Last updated: May 24 '21