keyboard language freerdp-webconnect
Is there a possibility to change the default keyboard layout? I'm using the freerd-webconnect service. When I connect to a server I'm having trouble with the keyboard input. The language of the server is nl-BE (azerty keyboard), but when I start typing I get some sort of querty output. When I change the language of the server (keyboard) to English (querty) then the keyboard layout changes, but it still isn't azerty. Do I need to change some setting of the service to accomplish this?
Long story short: I want to use azerty keyboard, but I keep getting querty output.
We support localized input. We're going to replicate your scenario and get back.
Ok, thank you. Meanwhile I investigated a bit further myself. If I press the a-button on my azerty keyboard. I see tcode: 65 in the wsgate log, If I am correct 65 comes from the keycode in javascript. 65=a. But in the console session in notepad q is printed instead of the a.
Any news on this?