Error while installing openvswitch
I faced a problem while installing ovs on hyperv which is netcfg failed to install open vswitch hyperv switch extension
Thank you
On what Windows OS ware you installing it? Additionally, we released a new beta a few days ago, can you please confirm that this happens for you using the latest MSI available?
alexpilotti : Currently I'm using your windows server that you published in your web site. Ok I'll try to use the latest MSI but Could you please give me a link from which I can download. aserdean : Tomorrow Incha'Allah I will post the output of PnPutil.exe -e because I'm not in the office. Thank you all.
We updated our installer today. It should work out of the box now. Link for the installer is: (the one you can find on our website). Installer is automatically updated as we integrate new patches.
Asked: 2015-08-30 12:38:58 +0300
Seen: 3,817 times
Last updated: Aug 31 '15