anyone got hyper-c to work?
I cant get the nano image to get past curtin. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks for the pastebin!
The guide was only tested on MAAS 1.8, which was the stable version at the time of writing the blog post. You seam to be running MAAS 1.9 in your setup. It appears they moved some code around in the version of curtin that comes with maas 1.9.
Can you do an update of
You need to actually update the windows-curtin-hooks submodule. The updated submodule takes into account the newer version of curtin, and should fix your issue.
git submodule update --init --recursive
should do the trick. Make sure you rebuild the nano image after you update the repo and its submodules. Let me know if you get passed that step.
EDIT: Your windows-curtin-hooks submodule should be at revision: 6eb00b48f7a9741b154d04b779f688a0d065b623
Just to be clear. Do you want to deploy just openstack with hyper-v compute nodes joined to openstack, or do you want the whole hyper-converged scenario with active-directory, storage spaces direct, etc? Because if you only need a hyper-v compute enabled openstack, there are far less moving parts :)
Asked: 2016-01-25 03:55:01 +0200
Seen: 636 times
Last updated: Jan 25 '16
Hi! Can you post a few more details about what you have already tried. Feel free to edit the initial question. It would help to know: 1) what environment you are running on (bare metal, VMWare, Hyper-V, KVM, etc); 2) How you generated the nano MAAS image 3) error you get in MAAS for the node
On point nr 2, it would be great if you included the command line you used ( eg: \NewNanoServerImage.ps1 -IsoPath $isoPath -Platform BareMetal/VMWare/Hyper-V ). The -Platform flag is especially of interest.
here is the output from cloud-init-output.log. This is using the TP4 2016 ISO (same one that worked for server 2016 image) the only thing that has been changed in the script is the path to the ISO
.\NewNanoServerImage.ps1 -IsoPath $isoPath -TargetPath $targetPath ` -AdministratorPassword $password -Platform BareMetal ` -Compute -Storage -Clustering -MaxSize 1500MB ` -AddCloudbaseInit -AddMAASHooks
The link may have been truncated EDIT: never mind. Some HTML got in the link.