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windows-openstack-imaging-tools - activate Windows instance


currently the workflow for windows-openstack-imaging-tools does an automated cloudbase-init deployment in Logon.ps1 by issuing the following command:

$p = Start-Process -Wait -PassThru -FilePath msiexec -ArgumentList "/i $CloudbaseInitMsiPath /qn /l*v $CloudbaseInitMsiLog LOGGINGSERIALPORTNAME=$serialPortName"

I've been able to modify the command slightly to use the built-in Administrator account by adding USERNAME property to the command which is great, however, I'm struggling to find an option to add activate_windows=true to the cloudbase-init config files in an automated fashion.

What would be your suggestion for doing this?



windows-openstack-imaging-tools - activate Windows instance


currently the workflow for windows-openstack-imaging-tools does an automated cloudbase-init deployment in Logon.ps1 by issuing the following command:

$p = Start-Process -Wait -PassThru -FilePath msiexec -ArgumentList "/i $CloudbaseInitMsiPath /qn /l*v $CloudbaseInitMsiLog LOGGINGSERIALPORTNAME=$serialPortName"

I've been able to modify the command slightly to use the built-in Administrator account by adding USERNAME property to the command which is great, however, I'm struggling to find an option to add activate_windows=true to the cloudbase-init config files in an automated fashion.

What would be your suggestion for doing this?

