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floating ip issues for destination environment

Asking if someone has encountered this error.

Error ID: 05e4bb25-4d15-457d-99d6-c6f6ce0afe89 Error Description: Coriolis is configured to use Floating IPs for worker VMs but no 'migrfippool_name' was provided in the destination environment parameters.

Source : AWS Target : Openstack

Appreciate for any feedback or thoughts.


floating ip issues for destination environment

Asking if someone has encountered this error.

Error ID: 05e4bb25-4d15-457d-99d6-c6f6ce0afe89 Error Description: Coriolis is configured to use Floating IPs for worker VMs but no 'migrfippool_name' was provided in the destination environment parameters.

Source : AWS Target : Openstack

Appreciate for any feedback or thoughts.
