Get this error sporadically building windows 2012r2 systems with latest cloudbase init package.
Any thoughts? Any more info needed for debug? This is on juno release(rackspace release)
2015-04-06 20:33:23.865 1828 WARNING cloudbaseinit.plugins.common.setuserpassword [-] Using admin_pass metadata user password. Consider changing it as soon as possible 2015-04-06 20:33:23.865 1828 INFO cloudbaseinit.plugins.common.setuserpassword [-] Setting the user's password 2015-04-06 20:33:23.990 1828 INFO cloudbaseinit.plugins.common.setuserpassword [-] Password succesfully updated for user Admin 2015-04-06 20:33:23.990 1828 INFO cloudbaseinit.plugins.common.setuserpassword [-] Cannot set the password in the metadata as it is not supported by this service