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2017-12-18 17:43:17 +0300 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2017-11-07 10:13:50 +0300 commented answer Heat template pem certificate not found in metaservice user_data

The network connections seem fine to me, Is there some other way I can debug why the metadata is not set correctly?

2017-11-07 09:30:35 +0300 commented answer Heat template pem certificate not found in metaservice user_data

I tried to use a configdrive and it seems to work a bit better, but I cannot really use that since i need to be able to

2017-10-31 09:50:48 +0300 commented answer Heat template pem certificate not found in metaservice user_data

0.9.11 is the cloudbase-init version. Here is a pastebin link showing the output.

2017-10-31 09:50:07 +0300 commented answer Heat template pem certificate not found in metaservice user_data

0.9.11 is the cloudbase-init version. Here is a pastebin link showing the output.

2017-10-31 09:48:26 +0300 commented answer Heat template pem certificate not found in metaservice user_data

0.9.11 is the cloudbase-init version. Here is a pastebin link showing the output.

2017-10-26 09:57:12 +0300 edited question Heat template pem certificate not found in metaservice user_data

Heat template pem certificate not found in metaservice user_data Hello I have a heat hot script with template version

2017-10-26 09:56:40 +0300 received badge  Editor (source)
2017-10-26 09:56:40 +0300 edited question Heat template pem certificate not found in metaservice user_data

Heat template pem certificate not found in metaservice user_data Hello I have a heat hot script with template version

2017-10-26 09:54:25 +0300 asked a question Heat template pem certificate not found in metaservice user_data

Heat template pem certificate not found in metaservice user_data Hello I have a heat hot script with template version