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2015-11-26 15:30:24 +0300 received badge  Taxonomist
2015-02-13 09:51:29 +0300 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2015-01-23 19:42:32 +0300 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2015-01-23 17:50:21 +0300 commented answer There isn't any interface in VM. VM interface doesn't assign in VLAN.

thank you!

2015-01-23 17:50:17 +0300 commented answer There isn't any interface in VM. VM interface doesn't assign in VLAN.

I don't know what I did, but it start works. may be I restarted nova services or neutron services againg. Now I have flow - cookie=0x0, duration=72.266s, table=0, n_packets=7, n_bytes=634, idle_age=70, priority=4,in_port=15,dl_vlan=5 actions=mod_vlan_vid:1001,NORMAL So VLANs works.

2015-01-23 17:23:51 +0300 commented answer There isn't any interface in VM. VM interface doesn't assign in VLAN.

But IP still doesn't get from DHCP server. And network doesn't work. As I understood, from network node should be VLAN connection to. I look at flows: ovs-ofctl dump-flows br-ex NXST_FLOW reply (xid=0x4): cookie=0x0, duration=534.240s, table=0, n_packets=3, n_bytes=126, idle_age=450, priority=1 actions=NORMAL cookie=0x0, duration=533.665s, table=0, n_packets=6, n_bytes=252, idle_age=450, priority=2,in_port=15 actions=drop and there are not any VLAN connection.

2015-01-23 17:21:53 +0300 commented answer There isn't any interface in VM. VM interface doesn't assign in VLAN.

I found that I created network incorrect, should be neutron net-create net1 --provider:network_type vlan --provider:physical_network physnet1 --provider:segmentation_id 1001 VMName VMNetworkAdapterName Mode VlanList ------ -------------------- ---- -------- instance-0000003d f173690f-88da-44c3-9757-eb7a31cf287c Access 1001

2015-01-23 15:29:56 +0300 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2015-01-23 12:17:23 +0300 received badge  Editor (source)
2015-01-23 12:16:32 +0300 answered a question There isn't any interface in VM. VM interface doesn't assign in VLAN.

Thank you for your answer. Port is available now!

my configs: cat ml2conf.ini |grep -v "^#" |grep -xv "" [ml2] tenantnetworktypes = vlan typedrivers = local,flat,vlan,gre,vxlan mechanismdrivers = openvswitch,hyperv [ml2typeflat] flatnetworks = br-ex [ml2typevlan] [ml2typegre] [ml2typevxlan] [securitygroup] [ovs] localip = bridgemappings = physnet1:br-ex [agent]

Configuration file on hyper-v compute node wasn't changed. When I create VM, port is avaialble.

neutron port-show bd0eafd0-7516-4021-a50d-c6e5ea7d7ce9 +-----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Field | Value | +-----------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | adminstateup | True | | allowedaddresspairs | | | binding:hostid | mycomputehostid | | binding:profile | {} | | binding:vifdetails | {"portfilter": false} | | binding:viftype | hyperv | | binding:vnictype | normal | | deviceid | e01b1953-65f7-4eb3-963a-1b3ac80f914c | | deviceowner | compute:None | | extradhcpopts | | | fixedips | {"subnetid": "772aff82-2d72-4c94-b206-1a77ce5eefb7", "ipaddress": "myipaddress"} | | id | bd0eafd0-7516-4021-a50d-c6e5ea7d7ce9 | | macaddress | Mymac | | name | port129 | | networkid | 24b44a3f-0ed8-4186-9da9-be01e5a5d3eb | | securitygroups | 736bdd8e-2625-4953-9f5c-148346494625 | | status | ACTIVE | | tenantid | 24c79185ddcf422895b300b18fd3937d

My VM with windows server has one active port, which mac which i assigned. But NIC doesn't assign IP address.

PS C:\Windows\system32> Get-VMNetworkAdapterVLAN

VMName VMNetworkAdapterName Mode VlanList ------ -------------------- ---- -------- neutron-bridge Untagged instance-0000002d bd0eafd0-7516-4021-a50d-c6e5ea7d7ce9 Untagged

I have one bridge "neutron-bridge" which was created during installtion. And one interface for new VM. There are not any interface in tagged mode, as I understood it should be tagged.

There is one error in neutron log file:

015-01-23 12:03:03.086 2032 ERROR neutron.plugins.hyperv.agent.hypervneutronagent [req-f4227101-d864-4aa1-a8a7-dd034992d01f None] Error in agent event loop: HyperVException: Job failed with error 32775 2015-01-23 12:03:03.086 2032 TRACE neutron.plugins.hyperv.agent.hypervneutronagent Traceback (most recent call last): 2015-01-23 12:03:03.086 2032 TRACE neutron.plugins.hyperv.agent.hypervneutronagent File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Cloudbase Solutions\OpenStack\Nova\Python27\lib\site-packages\neutron\plugins\hyperv\agent\", line 448, in daemonloop 2015-01-23 12:03:03.086 2032 TRACE neutron.plugins.hyperv.agent.hypervneutronagent sync = self.processnetworkports(portinfo) 2015-01-23 12:03:03.086 2032 TRACE neutron.plugins.hyperv.agent.hypervneutronagent File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Cloudbase Solutions\OpenStack\Nova\Python27\lib\site-packages\neutron\plugins\hyperv\agent\", line 424, in _processnetworkports 2015-01-23 12:03:03.086 2032 TRACE neutron.plugins.hyperv.agent.hypervneutronagent resynca = self.treatdevicesadded(portinfo['added']) 2015-01-23 12:03:03.086 2032 TRACE neutron.plugins.hyperv.agent.hypervneutronagent File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Cloudbase Solutions\OpenStack\Nova\Python27\lib\site-packages\neutron\plugins\hyperv\agent\", line 387, in treatdevicesadded 2015-01-23 12:03:03.086 2032 TRACE neutron.plugins.hyperv.agent.hypervneutronagent devicedetails['adminstateup']) 2015-01-23 12:03:03.086 2032 TRACE neutron.plugins.hyperv.agent.hypervneutronagent File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Cloudbase Solutions\OpenStack\Nova\Python27\lib\site-packages\neutron\plugins\hyperv\agent\", line 355, in treatvifport 2015-01-23 12:03:03.086 ... (more)

2015-01-21 13:46:14 +0300 asked a question There isn't any interface in VM. VM interface doesn't assign in VLAN.


I installed openstack juno on separate server ( keystone, neutron, nova, mysql, rabbit, glance) and compute node with windows. I want use hypervisor hyper-v. I installed your solution for juno release.

I can run VM from console, VM is running, it is working, but there is not any network interface in VM. As I now, hyper-v supported only VLAN network for openstack, so my configuration file for neutron is:

cat ml2conf.ini |grep -v "^#" |grep -xv "" [ml2] typedrivers = local,flat,vlan tenantnetworktypes = vlan mechanismdrivers = openvswitch tenantnetworktypes = vlan mechanismdrivers = openvswitch, hyperv [ml2typeflat] flatnetworks = external [ml2typevlan] networkvlanranges = physnet1:1000:2999,physnet2 [ml2typegre] tunnelidranges = 1:1000 [ml2typevxlan] [securitygroup] enablesecuritygroup = True enableipset = True firewalldriver = neutron.agent.linux.iptablesfirewall.OVSHybridIptablesFirewallDriver [ovs] localip = $localip enabletunneling = True bridgemappings = external:br-ex [agent] tunnel_types = vlan

threre is conf on compute node:

[DEFAULT] verbose=true controlexchange=neutron policyfile=C:\Program Files (x86)\Cloudbase Solutions\OpenStack\Nova\etc\policy.json rpcbackend=neutron.openstack.common.rpc.implkombu rabbithost=$rabbithost rabbitport=5672 rabbituserid=guestn rabbitpassword=EIhUEUiq#who logdir=D:\OpenStack\Log\ logfile=neutron-hyperv-agent.log [AGENT] pollinginterval=2 physicalnetworkvswitchmappings=*:Intel(R) I350 Gigabit Network Connection - Virtual Switch enablemetricscollection=false [SECURITYGROUP] firewalldriver=neutron.plugins.hyperv.agent.securitygroupsdriver.HyperVSecurityGroupsDriver enablesecuritygroup=false

Neutron agent is connected to neutron server, and it works.

But, when I create VM, its network interface doesn't assigned in VLAN


VMName VMNetworkAdapterName Mode VlanList instance-00000010 ef839214-0944-4f6c-b6b0-50f143efa1a5 Untagged

And virtual machine doesn't have any network interface. I tryied cirros, fedora and windows server r2.

What is wrong? How to fix network problems?