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Rishi's profile - activity

2016-06-01 01:30:59 +0300 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2016-06-01 01:30:59 +0300 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2016-04-08 18:00:28 +0300 received badge  Taxonomist
2015-06-16 20:07:51 +0300 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2015-06-15 11:48:37 +0300 commented question URL format to connect directly to Win7 client

Hi @Don613, were you able to get solution for this ? I'm also facing same issue and would want to open the guest console directly instead of a form submission.

2015-06-15 11:07:22 +0300 commented answer How can I open VM console with web parameters via html5_proxy_base_url

@alexpilotti any further hint ? I'm stuck up on guessing what are the mysterious parameters. :)

2015-06-13 10:17:45 +0300 commented answer How can I open VM console with web parameters via html5_proxy_base_url

Further to this, I found that there is another format that exists like u: ,v:, h: but no documentation could be found.

2015-06-10 22:09:43 +0300 commented answer How can I open VM console with web parameters via html5_proxy_base_url

Thanks for your reply. However I am not using openstack or horizon for authentication. Instead looking for some API to open the console in iframe or similar on my custom portal.

2015-06-09 14:52:28 +0300 received badge  Organizer (source)
2015-06-09 14:45:59 +0300 received badge  Editor (source)
2015-06-09 14:43:12 +0300 asked a question How can I open VM console with web parameters via html5_proxy_base_url

Following is for non openstack hyperv console access via FreeRDP-WebConnect

Is there a way to bypass the form submission of html5proxybase_url e.g. such that a VM console gets open if
