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2014-10-15 02:49:18 +0300 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2014-10-08 18:22:33 +0300 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2014-09-25 23:29:46 +0300 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2014-09-05 16:33:37 +0300 commented question Could not connect to RDP backend on FreeRDP Web Connect

I'm wondering if it could be caused because the host where i'm trying to connect does not have installed the certificate. Is the installation of the certificate mandatory?

2014-09-05 11:32:46 +0300 answered a question Could not connect to RDP backend on FreeRDP Web Connect

I tried both, using IP and using host name. I also tried connecting to local LAN hosts and internet hosts but always get the same result.

2014-09-04 13:26:59 +0300 asked a question Could not connect to RDP backend on FreeRDP Web Connect


I'm testing FreeRDP and when I try to connect to a host it shows the error: "Could not connect to RDP backend".

I tried to connect with wfreerdp.exe tool with successful result, so I don't know what else to look.

Thanks in advance.