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Thank you for answer.

I have 3node.

controller node - ubuntu 14.04, network node - ubunut 14.04, compute node - window 2012 datacenter

1. neutron security-group-show sginwhichyourvmiscreated

root@controller:~# neutron security-group-show win_ter

Field | Value

description | allow terminal

id | 1f75292d-834f-4f4f-a435-c7dbe64764cd

name | win_ter

securitygrouprules | {"remotegroupid": null, "direction": "ingress", "remoteipprefix": "", "protocol": "icmp", "tenantid": "edd4e17281e84808ac7edb17a9107469", "portrangemax": null, "securitygroupid": "1f75292d-834f-4f4f-a435-c7dbe64764cd", "portrange_min": null, "ethertype": "IPv4", "id": "bb0da8a8-3c41-40f4-9050-cf2535ccc26f"}

tenant_id | edd4e17281e84808ac7edb17a9107469

root@controller:~# nova secgroup-list-rules win_ter

IP Protocol | From Port | To Port | IP Range | Source Group

icmp | -1 | -1 |

2.nova show instance_name

root@controller:~# nova show server1 | grep securi

| securitygroups | winter

3. pip freeze | grep networking-hyperv

※ controller , netowrk node

root@controller:~# !pip

pip list| grep networking-hyperv

networking-hyperv (2015.1.0)

root@controller:~# pip freeze | grep networking-hyperv


※ compute node

PS C:\Users\Administrator.WIN-EQDDAE5V39M> pip freeze | findstr networking-hyperv


PS C:\Users\Administrator.WIN-EQDDAE5V39M> pip list | findstr networking-hyperv

networking-hyperv (2015.1.0.dev11)

## Exceptionally i can execute this commnad in window compute node

- Get-VMNetworkAdapterExtendedAcl

Is not it supports Windows 2012 datacenter?