1 | initial version |
An agent called Cloud-Init on Linux and Cloudbase-Init on Windows runs as part of the initial guest provisioning.
There are quite a few actions performed, with username and password management being just one of those.
By default a user called admin is provisioned on the instance. The encrypted password can be retrieved with nova get-password (there's an Horizon equivalent UI action):
nova get-password vm1 ~\.ssh\id_rsa
PowerShell userdata scripts can also be passed as part of the boot action (see for example the Horizon interface), for example:
Set-Content c:\hello.txt "Hello OpenStack"
Some suggested introductory readings:
Cloudbase-Init: http://www.cloudbase.it/cloud-init-windows
Cloudbase-init github site for reference documentation: https://github.com/stackforge/cloudbase-init
For orchestration:
Windows Heat templates: https://github.com/openstack/heat-templates
Juju orchestration: http://www.cloudbase.it/juju/