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Windows instances cant ping past gateway

asked 2016-08-23 23:48:36 +0200

jaxen112 gravatar image

In my liberty openstack environment any windows instance we spin up has networking issues. Sometimes it will ping for a few tries, then drop off after a while, sometimes it starts up with no network access. The instance can ping openstack, and also the external gateway (physical router) but that's all.

I have tried adjusting the MTU as mentioned elsewhere to no avail and this has happened on two separate liberty installs.

Any guidance you can provide is greatly appreciated.

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I checked the instance routing table and noticed when connectivity is lost the "active routes" vanish... again any help is appreciated

jaxen112 gravatar imagejaxen112 ( 2016-08-24 00:24:44 +0200 )edit

2 answers

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answered 2016-08-24 18:09:55 +0200

avladu gravatar image


In order to localize the issue, can you provide some information of your environment: hypervisor used, network isolation type (if any, like vlan/vxlan/gre), windows image (are you using the trial ones from our site?) and the size of the MTU used. The problem may reside in either of the enumerated parts.

Thank you,

Adrian Vladu.

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answered 2016-11-11 21:43:08 +0200

Claudiu Belu gravatar image


Can you provide a few more details about your environment / hypervisor?

In addition, I am assuming that that you are using security groups. By default, Neutron allows all the VM's outbound traffic through, and it only adds an inbound rule for DHCP. Are you sure you have inbound rules for ICMP for that VM (and RDP rules, if you want to connect to it)?

Best regards,

Claudiu Belu

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Asked: 2016-08-23 23:48:36 +0200

Seen: 260 times

Last updated: Nov 11 '16