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What is the behavior of OVS extension on PRIVATE and Internal switches on Hyper-V in Server 2012

asked 2014-11-07 10:43:26 +0300

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On my setup i want the communication in below scenarios:

  1. Among VMs using private switch on same host using OVS
  2. Among VMs using internal switch on same host using OVS
  3. Among VMs on two different hosts using external switch using OVS

For each of these cases i create two different switches and attach each switch to my OVS bridge very much like tap interfaces on KVM but i can't see the packets coming from one VM to other ?????

Both VMs in each case are on same subnet say 20.0.0.x.

Thanks in advance!!!

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After installation of OVS on Hyper-V my host m/c get rebooted whenever we perform some operations on switches with OVS extensions Thanks

mariakatosvich gravatar imagemariakatosvich ( 2016-09-09 11:40:25 +0300 )edit

Hi, Can you please confirm that you are running the latest installer with the certified drivers? Please post the output of the following: systeminfo Get-VmSwitch Get-VmSwitchExtension * ovs-vsctl show What operations are you performing before the host gets rebooted? Thanks, Alin.

aserdean gravatar imageaserdean ( 2016-10-25 19:47:51 +0300 )edit

3 answers

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answered 2014-11-25 22:00:09 +0300

aserdean gravatar image

OVS under Hyper-V is currently not implemented on private or internal switches this is something still under development. It only works on external switches.

Another limitation is that only one switch is supported this is also under development. Both features will be released in the same time (support for internal/private switches and for multiple switches).

I hope that answered your questions. Feel free to contact me if the configuration worked or if you have any other questions.

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answered 2014-11-07 17:21:13 +0300

aserdean gravatar image

updated 2014-11-09 15:12:07 +0300

Hi, Just a few further questions so I can fully understand your configuration. Can you please paste me the output of: 1) Get-VMSwitchExtension * 2) ovs-vsctl show 3) ovs-dpctl show

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answered 2014-11-10 09:02:24 +0300

theGeek gravatar image

I am currently verifying the test-case "Among VMs using internal switch on same host using OVS"

After installation of OVS on Hyper-V my host m/c get rebooted whenever we perform some operations on switches with OVS extensions :(

Following types of error codes have been seen when m/c gets rebooted with blue screen: 1. IRQLNOTLESSOREQUAL 2. KERNELSECURITYCHECKFAILURE 3. DPCWATCHDOG_VIOLATION

Any comments on it??? Is this indication of some bugs in OVS or some issue with installation???

Further , ovs-ofctl show command hangs indefinetly with no output :( Quick response is appreciated!!!

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Asked: 2014-11-07 10:43:26 +0300

Seen: 396 times

Last updated: Nov 25 '14