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Hyper-v Open vSwitch agent not working

asked 2016-12-14 00:39:35 +0200

tahder gravatar image

updated 2016-12-14 00:41:43 +0200

I used to follow the article Open vSwitch 2.5 on Hyper-V (OpenStack) but seems not working the openvswitch as I could not get it in the neutron from the controller node (via neutron agent-list command) but the Hyper-v compute node is working well (via nova service-list command) in the controller node.

By the way software that I use, OpenStack Newton 1.1 (in the controller node-separate server). In Hyper-v server - HyperVNovaCompute_Newton 14.0.1 and openvswitch hyperv 2.5.1 certified (or even tried openvswitch hyperv 2.6.1 certified).

I am stuck in the part of the article that mentioned "Note: creating a service manually for the OVS agent won’t be necessary anymore starting with the next Nova Hyper-V MSI installer version. Here is the content of the neutron_ovs_agent.conf file:" as it mentioned not necessary anymore but seems not created a file, even tried to copy the same configurations as per stated and this is my configuration(C:\Program Files\Cloudbase Solutions\OpenStack\Nova\etc\neutronovsagent.conf)

policy_file=C:\Program Files\Cloudbase Solutions\OpenStack\Nova\etc\policy.json
tunnel_types = vxlan

local_ip =
tunnel_bridge = br-tun
integration_bridge = br-int
tenant_network_type = vxlan
enable_tunneling = true

But it doesn't show me up, with the bridge/port such as br-int, patch-tun, br-tun, patch-int et al.. But only show me these, where ens5 is my network name.

PS C:\Users\Administrator> ovs-vsctl show
    Manager "ptcp:6640:"
    Bridge "br-port1"
        Port "ens5"
            Interface "ens5"
        Port "br-port1"
            Interface "br-port1"
                type: internal

And the logs I got only these in c:\OpenStack\Log\neutron-ovs-agent.log

2016-12-13 17:40:56.226 2688 INFO neutron.common.config [-] Logging enabled!
2016-12-13 17:40:56.226 2688 INFO neutron.common.config [-] C:\Program Files\Cloudbase Solutions\OpenStack\Nova\Python27\Scripts\ version 9.0.1.dev14
2016-12-13 17:40:56.242 2688 WARNING oslo_config.cfg [-] Option "rabbit_host" from group "DEFAULT" is deprecated. Use option "rabbit_host" from group "oslo_messaging_rabbit".
2016-12-13 17:40:56.242 2688 WARNING oslo_config.cfg [-] Option "rabbit_host" from group "oslo_messaging_rabbit" is deprecated for removal.  Its value may be silently ignored in the future.
2016-12-13 17:40:56.242 2688 WARNING oslo_config.cfg [-] Option "rabbit_port" from group "DEFAULT" is deprecated. Use option "rabbit_port" from group "oslo_messaging_rabbit".
2016-12-13 17:40:56.242 2688 WARNING oslo_config.cfg [-] Option "rabbit_port" from group "oslo_messaging_rabbit" is deprecated for removal.  Its value may be silently ignored in the future.
2016-12-13 17:40:56.242 2688 WARNING oslo_config.cfg [-] Option "rabbit_password" from group "DEFAULT" is deprecated. Use option "rabbit_password" from group "oslo_messaging_rabbit".
2016-12-13 17:40:56.256 2688 WARNING oslo_config.cfg [-] Option "rabbit_password" from group "oslo_messaging_rabbit" is deprecated for removal.  Its value may be silently ignored in the future.
2016-12-13 17:40:56.256 2688 WARNING oslo_config.cfg ...
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Hello Alin, It seems not working adding those 2 lines. I don't know if this related to the nova.conf configurations as per checking with the compute node using kvm they have slight differences under [neutron] section.. auth_plugin=v3password (in hyper-v) auth_type=v3password (in kvm)

tahder gravatar imagetahder ( 2016-12-14 02:27:21 +0200 )edit

2 answers

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answered 2016-12-14 01:52:55 +0200

aserdean gravatar image

Hi tahder,

Thanks for reaching out!

Unfortunately, you will still have to create the 'neutron-ovs-agent' service manually. Thanks for pointing the flaw in the documentation. We will update it.

Since Mitaka you will have to add the following lines in 'neutronovsagent.conf':

of_interface = ovs-ofctl 
ovsdb_interface = vsctl

The above will switch from native implementation to exec calls.

We are currently addressing the issue and I will update this answer once it was integrated.

Let me know if the above fixes the issue.

Thanks, Alin.

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Tried to reboot and got these: pls do remove "< / p>" as it added in the url.

tahder gravatar imagetahder ( 2016-12-14 02:49:33 +0200 )edit

Looks like br-int does not exist. Could you please post an output from ovs-vsctl show and also issue the following command: ovs-vsctl.exe --no-wait del-manager

aserdean gravatar imageaserdean ( 2016-12-14 05:43:31 +0200 )edit

I tried to execute the command, and got this still not shown in neutron ovs-vsctl show 42842d57-2c30-4f59-a258-7ab149768d66 Bridge "br-port1" Port "ens5" Interface "ens5" Port "br-port1" Interface "br-port1" type: internal Bridge br-int

tahder gravatar imagetahder ( 2016-12-14 11:05:27 +0200 )edit

answered 2016-12-15 05:25:21 +0200

tahder gravatar image

Hi aserdean,

It seems working right now, what I did remove cloudbase-related software by uninstalling

HyperVNovaCompute_Newton 14.0.1 and openvswitch hyperv 2.5.1 certified

And stop/remove the running service (neutron-ovs-agent) and stop/disable neutron-hyperv-agent. Then remove the Hyper-V (as this is Microsoft :-) ).

After boot-up, install back the HyperVNovaCompute and openvswitch but this case using 2.6.1 do the steps on the article, add per your your solution ofinterface & ovsdbinterface and change the VM Switch extension to (take note of Cloudbase):

Get-VMSwitchExtension -VMSwitchName vSwitch -Name "Cloudbase Open vSwitch Extension"
Enable-VMSwitchExtension -VMSwitchName vSwitch -Name "Cloudbase Open vSwitch Extension"

As per checking on the logs, it seems on the first run br-int is created but it will stop suddenly the neutron-ovs-agent service. Solution is to rerun it or reboot on my case which then automatically created those bridges/ports br-tun, patch-int, xvlan-* et al after reboot.

My controller now is happy and able to see the Hyper-V Open vSwitch agent and Hyper-v nova-compute.

Thanks a heap, MBC

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I'm glad you got it to work :). That is some pretty weird behaviour. Just for my curiosity could you please post the `ovs-vswitchd.log` and the output of systeminfo on Thanks.

aserdean gravatar imageaserdean ( 2016-12-16 04:42:20 +0200 )edit

are you referring to the hyperv neutron_ovs_agent.log? which is this one

and in the controller (openvswitch-agent.log?)

which I found error on ofctl..

tahder gravatar imagetahder ( 2016-12-19 23:53:30 +0200 )edit

ovsdb-server.log/ovs-vswitchd.log (OVS specific logs) and the output from an elevated cmd in which you run systeminfo. Thanks

aserdean gravatar imageaserdean ( 2017-01-06 18:08:02 +0200 )edit

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Asked: 2016-12-14 00:39:35 +0200

Seen: 3,839 times

Last updated: Dec 15 '16