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neutron-ovs-agent and security groups

asked 2017-01-12 14:45:57 +0200

mario-sommer gravatar image

Does neutron-ovs-agent with OVS 2.6 support security groups? I can't find anything except for the "enablesecuritygroup=false" line in the blogpost. What would be the correct firewall_driver value?

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4 answers

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answered 2017-01-13 01:29:52 +0200

abalutoiu gravatar image

updated 2017-01-13 01:31:34 +0200

Hello! Unfortunately it seems that you need the enhanced RPC support to use firewall_driver with neutron OVS agent. This was implemented in Mitaka, you can either upgrade your environment, either try to backport to mitaka this patch .

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answered 2017-01-12 16:53:30 +0200

mario-sommer gravatar image

I tried both.

firewalldriver=neutron.plugins.hyperv.agent.securitygroups_driver.HyperVSecurityGroupsDriver leads to...

2017-01-12 15:38:49.619 9352 INFO neutron.agent.securitygroups_rpc [req-c0cbda72-00ef-4b68-b7e2-59a016bf74f8 - - - - -] Preparing filters for devices set([u'397417cc-b531-48bc-aa0c-78943d63542a', u'37a063ab-9bb2-4721-893b-b4fda26268ff'])
2017-01-12 15:38:51.259 9352 ERROR neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.openvswitch.agent.ovs_neutron_agent [req-c0cbda72-00ef-4b68-b7e2-59a016bf74f8 - - - - -] Error while processing VIF ports
2017-01-12 15:38:51.259 9352 ERROR neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.openvswitch.agent.ovs_neutron_agent Traceback (most recent call last):
2017-01-12 15:38:51.259 9352 ERROR neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.openvswitch.agent.ovs_neutron_agent   File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Cloudbase Solutions\OpenStack\Nova\Python27\lib\site-packages\neutron\plugins\ml2\drivers\openvswitch\agent\", line 1756, in rpc_loop
2017-01-12 15:38:51.259 9352 ERROR neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.openvswitch.agent.ovs_neutron_agent     ovs_restarted)
2017-01-12 15:38:51.259 9352 ERROR neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.openvswitch.agent.ovs_neutron_agent   File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Cloudbase Solutions\OpenStack\Nova\Python27\lib\site-packages\neutron\plugins\ml2\drivers\openvswitch\agent\", line 1510, in process_network_ports
2017-01-12 15:38:51.259 9352 ERROR neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.openvswitch.agent.ovs_neutron_agent     port_info.get('updated', set()))
2017-01-12 15:38:51.259 9352 ERROR neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.openvswitch.agent.ovs_neutron_agent   File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Cloudbase Solutions\OpenStack\Nova\Python27\lib\site-packages\neutron\agent\", line 286, in setup_port_filters
2017-01-12 15:38:51.259 9352 ERROR neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.openvswitch.agent.ovs_neutron_agent     self.prepare_devices_filter(new_devices)
2017-01-12 15:38:51.259 9352 ERROR neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.openvswitch.agent.ovs_neutron_agent   File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Cloudbase Solutions\OpenStack\Nova\Python27\lib\site-packages\neutron\agent\", line 142, in decorated_function
2017-01-12 15:38:51.259 9352 ERROR neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.openvswitch.agent.ovs_neutron_agent     *args, **kwargs)
2017-01-12 15:38:51.259 9352 ERROR neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.openvswitch.agent.ovs_neutron_agent   File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Cloudbase Solutions\OpenStack\Nova\Python27\lib\site-packages\neutron\agent\", line 167, in prepare_devices_filter
2017-01-12 15:38:51.259 9352 ERROR neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.openvswitch.agent.ovs_neutron_agent     security_groups, security_group_member_ips)
2017-01-12 15:38:51.259 9352 ERROR neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.openvswitch.agent.ovs_neutron_agent   File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Cloudbase Solutions\OpenStack\Nova\Python27\lib\site-packages\neutron\agent\", line 173, in _update_security_group_info
2017-01-12 15:38:51.259 9352 ERROR neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.openvswitch.agent.ovs_neutron_agent     self.firewall.update_security_group_rules(sg_id, sg_rules)
2017-01-12 15:38:51.259 9352 ERROR neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.openvswitch.agent.ovs_neutron_agent   File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Cloudbase Solutions\OpenStack\Nova\Python27\lib\site-packages\neutron\agent\", line 118, in update_security_group_rules
2017-01-12 15:38:51.259 9352 ERROR neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.openvswitch.agent.ovs_neutron_agent     raise NotImplementedError()
2017-01-12 15:38:51.259 9352 ERROR neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.openvswitch.agent.ovs_neutron_agent NotImplementedError

With firewall_driver=openvswitch the agent doesn't even start

2017-01-12 15:36:04.611 5040 ERROR neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.openvswitch.agent.ovs_neutron_agent [req-47dd3401-0bb9-4012-ae0f-0d45a46ff071 - - - - -] Empty module name Agent terminated!

I'm using Openstack Liberty and GRE Tunnels. Everything else works fine with Hyper-V and the OVS agent.

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answered 2017-01-12 16:32:43 +0200

aserdean gravatar image

For OVS 2.5 you could use the following:


The above will use Windows ACL's (

For OVS 2.6 you have two options. One is the above and the other is:

firewall_driver = openvswitch

This will use conntrack from OVS. Small caveat it does not support IPv6 and also does not support IPv4 fragments.

Thanks, Alin.

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answered 2017-01-12 17:52:33 +0200

abalutoiu gravatar image

The firewall_driver=openvswitch can only be used since the Mitaka release, please upgrade your environment to Mitaka or above to be able to use this option.

Regarding the first issue, I think you're missing this commit If that's the case, you need to add the commit on your Windows node. Here are the details on how you can achieve that:

git clone
cd networking-hyperv
git checkout liberty-eol
net stop neutron-ovs-agent
pip install .
net start neutron-ovs-agent
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Still no luck with that. pip install said "Successfully installed networking-hyperv-1.0.5.dev5" and I see the new files under hyperv\neutron. But after restarting neutron-ovs-agent I still get the same NotImplementedError as before.

mario-sommer gravatar imagemario-sommer ( 2017-01-12 19:29:48 +0200 )edit

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Asked: 2017-01-12 14:45:57 +0200

Seen: 884 times

Last updated: Jan 12 '17