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Windows Server 2016 Standard Image Won't Boot, Blue Windows Icon Hangs

asked 2017-07-21 03:52:55 +0200

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I am trying to build an Online 2016 Server Standard Image and have been unsuccessful,

I am using the example from the readme exactly how the example is,

PowerShell image generation example for OpenStack KVM

I would just like to build a simple Server 2016 Standard Eval Openstack KVM Image,

Host Machine:

  • Server 2016 Standard
  • Hyper-V Installed
  • Lastest ADK Installed
  • Server 2016 Image Mounted on Host
  • Git Environment

The image builds just fine and then Hyper-V starts, the scripts run, Hyper-V shuts down, and then the image builds as it should, no error nothing

I then upload the image to glance, and then try to launch the image and get an error:


Then it will reboot and then just hang with the "Windows Blue Logo"

I have tried to troubleshoot but can't seem to see anything to explain why nova just isn't booting this image?

Any help would be much appreciated! Thank You

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4 answers

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answered 2017-07-22 20:18:30 +0200

this post is marked as community wiki

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.

Was having a problem booting a Windows 2016 Server Image for KVM/Openstack, used the exact example from,

The image would build just fine, uploaded to glance, tried to boot and would just get the Windows Blue Icon just stuck!

On all Compute Nodes checked the /etc/nova/nova.conf

Under the [Libvert] Section: my "cpu_mode=" was set to



Simply just changed "cpu-mode=" to



And Whalla! The image booted right up!

So if your getting stuck booting with a Blue Windows Icon just sitting there/stalling,

Or you see "Stop Code: SYSTEM THREAD EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED", I would check the [Libvert] section on compute nodes to see what your cpu_mode= is set to

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answered 2018-07-05 11:03:39 +0200

this post is marked as community wiki

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.

I use this config ini , I cant run windows image :/

and this gives an error :

PS C:\Users\Administrator\windows-openstack-imaging-tools> New-WindowsOnlineImage -ConfigFilePath $ConfigFilePath 5.07.2018 10:32:29 - Windows online image generation started. 5.07.2018 10:32:35 - Cloud image generation started. 5.07.2018 10:32:37 - Found already existing image file. Removing it... 5.07.2018 10:32:37 - Already existent image file has been removed. 5.07.2018 10:32:37 - Creating Virtual Disk Image: C:\Users\ADMINI~1\Desktop\win2016.vhdx... 5.07.2018 10:32:43 - Successfuly created disk: C:\Users\ADMINI~1\Desktop\win2016.vhdx 5.07.2018 10:32:43 - Generate Unattend Xml :F:\Unattend.xml... 5.07.2018 10:32:43 - Xml was generated. 5.07.2018 10:32:43 - Copy Unattend Resources: Server... 5.07.2018 10:32:43 - Copying: C:\Users\Administrator\windows-openstack-imaging-tools\UnattendResources F:\UnattendReso ces 5.07.2018 10:32:43 - Resources have been copied. 5.07.2018 10:32:43 - Copy Custom Resources: ... 5.07.2018 10:32:43 - Custom Resources at: F:\UnattendResources. 5.07.2018 10:32:43 - Set Wallpaper: ... 5.07.2018 10:32:43 - Wallpaper copied to the image. 5.07.2018 10:32:43 - Wallpaper GPO copied to the image. 5.07.2018 10:32:43 - Wallpaper was set. 5.07.2018 10:32:43 - Downloading Cloudbase-Init... 5.07.2018 10:32:49 - Applying Windows image "E:\sources\install.wim" in "F:\"

Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 10.0.14393.0

Applying image [==========================100.0%==========================] The operation completed successfully. 5.07.2018 10:45:48 - Create BCDBoot Config: WIMInterop.WimImage.ImageName... The operation completed successfully. The operation completed successfully. The operation completed successfully. 5.07.2018 10:45:52 - BCDBoot config has been created. 5.07.2018 10:45:52 - Adding Virtual IO Drivers from ISO: C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\virtio-win.iso... 5.07.2018 10:45:58 - Exception calling "OpenVirtualDisk" with "1" argument(s): "Unrecognized file format: İSO" Add-VirtIODriversFromISO : Exception calling "OpenVirtualDisk" with "1" argument(s): "Unrecognized file format: İSO" At C:\Users\Administrator\windows-openstack-imaging-tools\WinImageBuilder.psm1:1325 char:13 + Add-VirtIODriversFromISO $winImagePath $image $windowsIma ... + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Add-VirtIODriversFromISO], MethodInvocationException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Exception,Add-VirtIODriversFromISO

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answered 2017-07-21 15:25:37 +0200

avladu gravatar image


In your case, you need to double check that the virtio iso path is properly defined and that the virtio drivers have been applied to the image. Can you put the output of the command on a pastebin, to further debug this issue?

Thank you,
Adrian Vladu

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Hey Adrian, So here is the link to the PasteBin it looks like to me the drivers are being injected as they should, Thanks for all your help!

Ryano gravatar imageRyano ( 2017-07-22 05:09:49 +0200 )edit

Then it is a known issue that you might have encountered - Win2016 needs more cpu flags to be exposed by qemu-kvm. Can you take a look here:

avladu gravatar imageavladu ( 2017-07-22 13:33:30 +0200 )edit

Thanks Adrian! That was exactly the reason!! I had a problem a while back with Ubuntu 16.04 not booting and had to set "cpu_mode=none" in able to get Ubuntu to boot. So changed to "cpu_mode=host-passthrough" and now both Windows/Ubuntu are booting just fine!!! Thanks again for all your help!!!

Ryano gravatar imageRyano ( 2017-07-22 19:56:01 +0200 )edit

answered 2017-07-22 13:34:05 +0200

avladu gravatar image

Then it is a known issue that you might have encountered - Win2016 needs more cpu flags to be exposed by qemu-kvm. Can you take a look here: ?

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Asked: 2017-07-21 03:52:55 +0200

Seen: 7,394 times

Last updated: Jul 05 '18