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Hyper-V nova and cinder ceph backend

asked 2017-11-29 02:32:16 +0200

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I have a running openstack with ceph as cinder backend . I have installed with success the HyperV-nova and neutron OpenVswitch , all this on mitaka version . I did a lot of testing including to attach a ceph backend cinder-volume to a Windows VM on Hyperv and worked fine . So I migrated to Newton and the problem started . After migration I lost the connection between ceph cinder-volumes and my windows hyper-v vms . Any explanations regarding that ? I suppose that before it was using iSCSI volume by default . Anyway to force it instead hyperv received a rbd volume . driver_type=iscsi ?

Here the error : VolumeDriverNotFound: Could not find a handler for rbd volume.

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2 answers

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answered 2017-12-13 23:03:45 +0200

updated 2017-12-13 23:03:58 +0200

You could try to setup Ceph iSCSI Gateway.


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answered 2017-12-08 09:05:31 +0200

lpetrut gravatar image


Unfortunately, there is no Windows Ceph client. The Nova Hyper-V driver only supports iSCSI, Fibre Channel and SMB Cinder backends (which already covers most of them).

"I did a lot of testing including to attach a ceph backend cinder-volume to a Windows VM on Hyperv and worked fine" - high chance is that you were actually using a backend other than Ceph. There is no upstream Cinder driver that exports Ceph volumes through iSCSI (although that's possible, using tgt or lio, for example).

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Asked: 2017-11-29 02:32:16 +0200

Seen: 652 times

Last updated: Dec 13 '17