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Problem with Volume Failing

asked 2018-11-20 14:21:03 +0200

pcminitech gravatar image

Build of instance e002a03d-c1e6-4466-8af1-e284d9b97fd7 aborted: Volume 2cf4d551-2358-4b8f-aafe-d14637ac4cc3 did not finish being created even after we waited 9 seconds or 4 attempts. And its status is error.

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answered 2018-11-21 14:48:12 +0200

pcminitech gravatar image

cat /var/log/cinder/volume.log 2018-11-20 06:34:00.402 54553 INFO cinder.rpc [req-3f0cc327-7aa3-4eba-9147-447a1 b1a5f6a - - - - -] Automatically selected cinder-scheduler objects version 1.35 as minimum service version. 2018-11-20 06:34:00.413 54553 INFO cinder.rpc [req-3f0cc327-7aa3-4eba-9147-447a1 b1a5f6a - - - - -] Automatically selected cinder-scheduler RPC version 3.10 as m inimum service version. 2018-11-20 06:34:00.506 54553 INFO cinder.volume.manager [req-3f0cc327-7aa3-4eba -9147-447a1b1a5f6a - - - - -] Determined volume DB was empty at startup. 2018-11-20 06:34:00.514 54553 INFO cinder.volume.manager [req-3f0cc327-7aa3-4eba -9147-447a1b1a5f6a - - - - -] Service not found for updating activebackendid, assuming default for driver init. 2018-11-20 06:34:00.516 54553 WARNING stevedore.named [req-3f0cc327-7aa3-4eba-91 47-447a1b1a5f6a - - - - -] Could not load cinder.keymgr.confkeymgr.ConfKeyMana ger: ServiceNotFound: Service cinder-volume could not be found on host base@lvm. 2018-11-20 06:34:00.517 54553 WARNING castellan.keymanager [req-3f0cc327-7aa3-4 eba-9147-447a1b1a5f6a - - - - -] Deprecation Warning : cinder.keymgr.confkeymg r.ConfKeyManager is not a stevedore based driver, trying to load it as a class: NoMatches: No 'castellan.drivers' driver found, looking for 'cinder.keymgr.conf keymgr.ConfKeyManager' 2018-11-20 06:34:00.518 54553 WARNING cinder.keymgr.confkeymgr [req-3f0cc327-7 aa3-4eba-9147-447a1b1a5f6a - - - - -] This key manager is insecure and is not re commended for production deployments: NoMatches: No 'castellan.drivers' driver f ound, looking for 'cinder.keymgr.confkeymgr.ConfKeyManager' 2018-11-20 06:34:00.530 54553 WARNING osloconfig.cfg [req-3f0cc327-7aa3-4eba-91 47-447a1b1a5f6a - - - - -] Option "iscsihelper" from group "lvm" is deprecated. Use option "targethelper" from group "lvm". 2018-11-20 06:34:00.998 54553 INFO cinder.volume.manager [req-3f0cc327-7aa3-4eba -9147-447a1b1a5f6a - - - - -] Image-volume cache disabled for host rdo.cloudbase @lvm. 2018-11-20 06:34:01.027 54553 INFO osloservice.service [req-3f0cc327-7aa3-4eba- 9147-447a1b1a5f6a - - - - -] Starting 1 workers 2018-11-20 06:34:01.038 54819 INFO cinder.service [req-3f0cc327-7aa3-4eba-9147-4 47a1b1a5f6a - - - - -] Starting cinder-volume node (version 12.0.3) 2018-11-20 06:34:01.043 54553 WARNING osloconfig.cfg [req-3f0cc327-7aa3-4eba-91 47-447a1b1a5f6a - - - - -] Option "iscsihelper" from group "DEFAULT" is depreca ted. Use option "targethelper" from group "DEFAULT". 2018-11-20 06:34:01.059 54553 WARNING osloconfig.cfg [req-3f0cc327-7aa3-4eba-91 47-447a1b1a5f6a - - - - -] Option "iscsiipaddress" from group "lvm" is depreca ted. Use option "targetipaddress" from group "lvm". 2018-11-20 06:34:01.062 54553 WARNING osloconfig.cfg [req-3f0cc327-7aa3-4eba-91 47-447a1b1a5f6a - - - - -] Option "authuri" from group "keystoneauthtoken" is deprecated for removal (The authuri option is deprecated in favor of wwwauthen ticateuri and will be removed in the S release.). Its value may be silently i gnored in the future. 2018-11-20 06:34:01.064 54553 WARNING osloconfig.cfg [req-3f0cc327-7aa3-4eba-91 47-447a1b1a5f6a - - - - -] Option "authuri" from group "keystoneauthtoken" is deprecated. Use option "wwwauthenticateuri" from group "keystoneauthtoken". 2018-11-20 06:34:01.079 54819 INFO cinder.volume.manager [req-3f0cc327-7aa3-4eba -9147-447a1b1a5f6a - - - - -] Including all resources from host rdo.cloudbase@lv m in cluster None. 2018-11-20 06:34:01.118 54819 INFO cinder.volume.manager [req-3f0cc327-7aa3-4eba -9147-447a1b1a5f6a - - - - -] 0 volumes, 0 consistency groups, 0 generic groups and 0 image volume caches from host rdo.cloudbase@lvm have been included in clus ... (more)

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I used your openstack v-magine

pcminitech gravatar imagepcminitech ( 2018-11-21 14:49:15 +0200 )edit

Great, so here's the error: "invalid VPC image "- Most probably you have a VHDX image that's been registered in Glance as "VHD". Recent releases of Cinder actually do validate the image format for security reasons.

lpetrut gravatar imagelpetrut ( 2018-11-23 14:28:16 +0200 )edit

V-magine was fresh installed that was first thing I did was deploy the default image came with it. I will look in to the image and let you know.

pcminitech gravatar imagepcminitech ( 2018-11-23 14:40:44 +0200 )edit

Looks like we have a related bug: Basically, we're setting the incorrect format when taking instance snapshots, for which reason Cinder will refuse to create volumes from those images.

lpetrut gravatar imagelpetrut ( 2018-11-27 16:29:07 +0200 )edit

I'm sending a fix right away, backporting it afterwards.

lpetrut gravatar imagelpetrut ( 2018-11-27 16:29:49 +0200 )edit

answered 2018-11-21 06:56:29 +0200

lpetrut gravatar image

Check the cinder volume logs, apparently it's failing to create the volume.

Regards, Lucian

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Asked: 2018-11-20 14:21:03 +0200

Seen: 1,255 times

Last updated: Nov 21 '18