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Neutron Hyper-V agent Exception: too many values to unpack (expected 2)

asked 2021-06-14 14:13:37 +0200

lezoid gravatar image

Hi, I'm using Victoria to configure OpenStack.

The KVM node is working fine, but the Hyper-V node has an error and is stuck.

OpenStack Version: Victoria

Compute Node OS Version : Windows Server 2019 Datacenter Edition

Neutron Hyper-V agent configuration

The following error message log will be output and the Neutron Port will be in the Building state.

2021-06-14 07:57:19.402 6652 DEBUG neutron.agent.securitygroups_rpc [-] Update port filter for 7ae8fafd-1372-40f7-a4a0-a1f03da8cbac _apply_port_filter C:\Program Files\Cloudbase Solutions\OpenStack\Nova\Python\lib\site-packages\neutron\agent\
2021-06-14 07:57:19.402 6652 INFO networking_hyperv.neutron.security_groups_driver [-] Updating port rules.
2021-06-14 07:57:19.402 6652 INFO networking_hyperv.neutron.security_groups_driver [-] Device 7ae8fafd-1372-40f7-a4a0-a1f03da8cbac not yet added. Adding.
2021-06-14 07:57:19.402 6652 DEBUG networking_hyperv.neutron.security_groups_driver [-] Creating port 3 rules prepare_port_filter C:\Program Files\Cloudbase Solutions\OpenStack\Nova\Python\lib\site-packages\networking_hyperv\neutron\
2021-06-14 07:57:19.402 6652 DEBUG networking_hyperv.neutron.security_groups_driver [-] Creating default reject rules. prepare_port_filter C:\Program Files\Cloudbase Solutions\OpenStack\Nova\Python\lib\site-packages\networking_hyperv\neutron\
2021-06-14 07:57:19.449 6652 DEBUG oslo_concurrency.lockutils [-] Lock "n-hv-driver-port-lock-7ae8fafd-1372-40f7-a4a0-a1f03da8cbac" acquired by "networking_hyperv.neutron._common_utils.get_port_synchronized_decorator.<locals>._port_synchronized.<locals>.wrapper.<locals>.inner" :: waited 0.000s inner C:\Program Files\Cloudbase Solutions\OpenStack\Nova\Python\lib\site-packages\oslo_concurrency\
2021-06-14 07:57:19.481 6652 DEBUG oslo_concurrency.lockutils [-] Lock "n-hv-driver-port-lock-7ae8fafd-1372-40f7-a4a0-a1f03da8cbac" released by "networking_hyperv.neutron._common_utils.get_port_synchronized_decorator.<locals>._port_synchronized.<locals>.wrapper.<locals>.inner" :: held 0.032s inner C:\Program Files\Cloudbase Solutions\OpenStack\Nova\Python\lib\site-packages\oslo_concurrency\
2021-06-14 07:57:19.481 6652 DEBUG oslo_concurrency.lockutils [-] Lock "n-hv-agent-port-lock-7ae8fafd-1372-40f7-a4a0-a1f03da8cbac" released by "networking_hyperv.neutron._common_utils.get_port_synchronized_decorator.<locals>._port_synchronized.<locals>.wrapper.<locals>.inner" :: held 0.344s inner C:\Program Files\Cloudbase Solutions\OpenStack\Nova\Python\lib\site-packages\oslo_concurrency\
2021-06-14 07:57:19.481 6652 ERROR networking_hyperv.neutron.agent.layer2 [-] Exception encountered while processing port 7ae8fafd-1372-40f7-a4a0-a1f03da8cbac. Exception: too many values to unpack (expected 2): ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2)
2021-06-14 07:57:19.481 6652 ERROR networking_hyperv.neutron.agent.layer2 Traceback (most recent call last):
2021-06-14 07:57:19.481 6652 ERROR networking_hyperv.neutron.agent.layer2   File "C:\Program Files\Cloudbase Solutions\OpenStack\Nova\Python\lib\site-packages\networking_hyperv\neutron\agent\", line 314, in process_added_port
2021-06-14 07:57:19.481 6652 ERROR networking_hyperv.neutron.agent.layer2     self._process_added_port(device_details)
2021-06-14 07:57:19.481 6652 ERROR networking_hyperv.neutron.agent.layer2   File "C:\Program Files\Cloudbase Solutions\OpenStack\Nova\Python\lib\site-packages\networking_hyperv\neutron\agent\", line 253, in _process_added_port
2021-06-14 07:57:19.481 6652 ERROR networking_hyperv.neutron.agent.layer2     device_details)
2021-06-14 07:57:19.481 6652 ERROR networking_hyperv.neutron.agent.layer2   File "C:\Program Files\Cloudbase Solutions\OpenStack\Nova\Python\lib\site-packages\networking_hyperv\neutron\agent\", line 302, in _process_added_port
2021-06-14 07:57:19.481 6652 ERROR networking_hyperv.neutron.agent.layer2     set_port_sriov=set_port_sriov)
2021-06-14 07:57:19.481 6652 ERROR networking_hyperv.neutron.agent.layer2   File "C:\Program Files\Cloudbase Solutions\OpenStack ...
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2 answers

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answered 2021-06-15 16:48:32 +0200

lezoid gravatar image

Thanks for the reply.

I was able to confirm that it works by cutting back the part of the link you gave me

How many versions of Neutron controller would be appropriate to run the latest victoria networking-hyperv?

The OpenStack Neutron Controller package version that we are using now is as follows.

neutron-common/focal-updates,focal-updates,now 2:17.1.1-0ubuntu1~cloud0 all [installed,automatic]
neutron-dhcp-agent/focal-updates,focal-updates,now 2:17.1.1-0ubuntu1~cloud0 all [installed]
neutron-fwaas-common/focal-updates,focal-updates,now 1:16.0.0-0ubuntu0.20.04.1 all [installed,automatic]
neutron-l3-agent/focal-updates,focal-updates,now 2:17.1.1-0ubuntu1~cloud0 all [installed]
neutron-linuxbridge-agent/focal-updates,focal-updates,now 2:17.1.1-0ubuntu1~cloud0 all [installed]
neutron-metadata-agent/focal-updates,focal-updates,now 2:17.1.1-0ubuntu1~cloud0 all [installed]
neutron-plugin-ml2/focal-updates,focal-updates,now 2:17.1.1-0ubuntu1~cloud0 all [installed]
neutron-server/focal-updates,focal-updates,now 2:17.1.1-0ubuntu1~cloud0 all [installed]
python3-neutron-fwaas/focal-updates,focal-updates,now 1:16.0.0-0ubuntu0.20.04.1 all [installed,automatic]
python3-neutron-lib/focal-updates,focal-updates,now 2.6.1-0ubuntu1~cloud0 all [installed,automatic]
python3-neutron/focal-updates,focal-updates,now 2:17.1.1-0ubuntu1~cloud0 all [installed,automatic]
python3-neutronclient/focal-updates,focal-updates,now 1:7.2.1-0ubuntu1~cloud0 all [installed,automatic]
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The Neutron controller and the Hyper-V Neutron agent should use the same Openstack release (e.g. Victoria). However, Neutron sometimes breaks the RPC interface by backporting RPC changes needed by bug fixes, so even two Victoria services might have problems talking to each other.

lpetrut gravatar imagelpetrut ( 2021-06-16 08:34:19 +0200 )edit

Even the above mentioned (breaking) rpc change got backported: Still, it was included in the first Victoria release (17.0.0), so both ends should have it.

lpetrut gravatar imagelpetrut ( 2021-06-16 08:35:38 +0200 )edit

Since all Victoria releases should have this change, I think you have multiple Neutron controllers and there's a chance that not all of them have been upgraded to Victoria. I'd check that as well.

lpetrut gravatar imagelpetrut ( 2021-06-16 08:36:33 +0200 )edit

Since this is an OpenStack environment created for verification purposes, we are using the Victoria release from the beginning. The Neutron controller also has a single node configuration, and we have been referring to the Ubuntu Victoria repository "cloud-archive:victoria" from the beginning.

lezoid gravatar imagelezoid ( 2021-06-16 13:12:45 +0200 )edit

answered 2021-06-15 15:37:42 +0200

lpetrut gravatar image


I think your Neutron controller is using an older, incompatible version. Could you please check?

The Neutron RPC interface changed a bit in Victoria:

Thanks, Lucian

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Thanks I added information to the comments.

lezoid gravatar imagelezoid ( 2021-06-15 16:39:13 +0200 )edit

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Asked: 2021-06-14 14:13:37 +0200

Seen: 896 times

Last updated: Jun 15 '21