Windows2019 and MaaS deployment problems
I've been unsuccessfully trying for a week to deploy a windows server 2019 image with Maas 3.1. The commissioning phase seems to be fine but not the deployment. All questions related to the same error log don't have a clear answer. I've generated the image with both packer and windows-imaging-tools so I'm convinced that the problem resides with MaaS. I'm using two virtual machines (Virtual Box) for testing, one with MaaS (A) and the other to deploy the image (B) but I've had the same results with two bare metal machines. After the deployment phase the the machine B restarts and prints the message:
Booting under MAAS direction...
nomodeset ro root=squash: ip=::::grand-racer:BOOTIF ip6=off overlayroot=tmpfs overlayroot_cfgdisk=disabled cc:{'datasource_list': ['MAAS']}end_cc cloud-config-url= apparmor=0 log_host_192.168.200.142 log_port=5247 ---A
Loading failed: No such file or directory
With packer I've used qcow2 and raw format while with windows-imaging-tools only raw; tar.gz and dd.gz compressions and I've uploaded them with the following command:
maas admin boot-resources create name=windows/win2019 architecture=amd64/generic filetype=tgz title=windows2019 content@=win-image.tar.gz
maas-admin@maas:~$ file win-image.tar.gz
win-image.tar.gz: gzip compressed data, was "win-image.raw.tar", last modified: Mon Apr 11 13:33:08 2022, from Unix, original size modulo 2^32 360728576
From the MaaS web page I can see that the image is downloaded and synced succesfully. (In this case the image was generated by windows-imaging-tools and the extension was .vhdx out of the creation but ubuntu says it's gzipped and I've uploaded like so)
I'd like to post the while MaaS log file from /var/log/maas/rsyslog/[machine] but I don't have enough points to attach a file so I'll just paste the lines I think are the most relevant:
2022-04-11T14:58:11+00:00 grand-racer cloud-init[1494]: finish: cmd-install/stage-partitioning/builtin/cmd-block-meta: FAIL: curtin command block-meta
2022-04-11T14:58:11+00:00 grand-racer cloud-init[1494]: Traceback (most recent call last):
2022-04-11T14:58:11+00:00 grand-racer cloud-init[1494]: File "/curtin/curtin/commands/", line 202, in main
2022-04-11T14:58:11+00:00 grand-racer cloud-init[1494]: ret = args.func(args)
2022-04-11T14:58:11+00:00 grand-racer cloud-init[1494]: File "/curtin/curtin/", line 97, in wrapper
2022-04-11T14:58:11+00:00 grand-racer cloud-init[1494]: return log_time("TIMED %s: " % msg, func, *args, **kwargs)
2022-04-11T14:58:11+00:00 grand-racer cloud-init[1494]: File "/curtin/curtin/", line 79, in log_time
2022-04-11T14:58:11+00:00 grand-racer cloud-init[1494]: return func(*args, **kwargs)
2022-04-11T14:58:11+00:00 grand-racer cloud-init[1494]: File "/curtin/curtin/commands/", line 113, in block_meta
2022-04-11T14:58:11 ...