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floating ip issues on migrating to Openstack environment

asked 2023-10-13 05:26:38 +0300

rud030980 gravatar image

updated 2023-10-13 05:41:00 +0300

Asking if someone has encountered this error.

Error ID: 05e4bb25-4d15-457d-99d6-c6f6ce0afe89 Error Description: Coriolis is configured to use Floating IPs for worker VMs but no 'migrfippool_name' was provided in the destination environment parameters.

Source : AWS Target : Openstack

Appreciate for any feedback or thoughts.


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1 answer

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answered 2023-10-19 10:26:14 +0300

Chris gravatar image

Hello, You will have to define the "Migration FIP Pool Name" in the Temporary worker section - this being for the OpenStack destination platform screen. You can see an example in this screenshot here

I would also suggest checking the OpenStack as a destination platform plugin page here for a better understanding of all the options. While not all might be required to be configured, it is very important to use the proper settings matching your platform usecase.

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Asked: 2023-10-13 05:26:38 +0300

Seen: 458 times

Last updated: Oct 19 '23