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Can 'System' be set as the Run As Account on Cloud Initialization Service?

asked 2015-07-01 17:05:45 +0300

TimK gravatar image

Is there a way to have the Cloud Initialization Service setup to use "Local System" or "Local Service" as the account the service runs as versus allowing the Cloudbase Init installation create a new local administrator account called cloudbase-init? We need to prevent additional local accounts from being created and do not want this account generated on the systems.

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answered 2015-07-10 01:39:17 +0300

alexpilotti gravatar image

Yes, it's possible.

To execute the cloudbase-init service as Local System, just add the RUNSERVICEASLOCALSYSTEM property when starting the MSI installation, e.g.:

msiexec /i CloudbaseInitSetup.msi /qn /l*v log.txt RUN_SERVICE_AS_LOCAL_SYSTEM=1

This feature has been introduced with Cloudbase-Init 0.9.8 and can be found in stable and continuous releases, e.g.:


The reason why we added a new cloudbase-init user account is that some user data actions performed during guest initializations, e.g. installing non trivial packages like SharePoint server, require a proper user logon profile and fail when executed as Local System.

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Asked: 2015-07-01 17:05:45 +0300

Seen: 5,382 times

Last updated: Jul 10 '15