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Neutron Hyper-V agent going up and down in neutron agent-list

asked 2015-09-18 11:26:53 +0200

jbalciunas gravatar image


I have noticed a very odd behaviour of the Hyper-V agent while monitoring neutron agent-list output.

I have two Hyper-V hosts, they're both available in Nova and Neutron, however, about every 10 seconds the status of the HyperV agent changes from alive to dead and vice-versa.

I am using VLAN segmentation and here's my Get-NetAdapter output on one of the Hyper-V hosts:

Name InterfaceDescription ifIndex Statu s ---- -------------------- ------- ----- vEthernet (NovaNetwork) Hyper-V Virtual Ethernet Adapter #2 56 Up Port1 - VLAN 252 Microsoft Network Adapter Multiple...#3 57 Up Port1 - VLAN 251 Microsoft Network Adapter Multiple...#2 52 Up Port1 Microsoft Network Adapter Multiplexo... 29 Up Ethernet 3 HP FlexFabric 10Gb 2-port 534FLB ...#81 14 Up Ethernet 2 HP FlexFabric 10Gb 2-port 534FLB ...#80 13 Up Ethernet 4 HP FlexFabric 10Gb 2-port 534FLB ...#84 17 Di... Ethernet 5 HP FlexFabric 10Gb 2-port 534FLB ...#85 18 Di... Ethernet 7 HP FlexFabric 10Gb 2-port 534FLB ...#87 20 Di... Ethernet 6 HP FlexFabric 10Gb 2-port 534FLB ...#86 19 Di...

On the controller side I have Mirantis OpenStack 6.1 and the network setup is identical to this one: with the exception of VLAN IDs.

Hyper-V server and OpenStack controller can "see" each other via all interfaces. VMs, depending on the state of the agent, either get network connectivity on boot (if agent is alive), or not (if agent is dead).

Could you please suggest where the problem might be?



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answered 2015-10-08 03:50:42 +0200

gabriel-samfira gravatar image

updated 2015-10-08 03:51:44 +0200


This usually happens if the report_interval and agent_down_time configuration options in neutron.conf are absurdly low.

On your neutron-server, edit


and add/change the above mentioned options as follows

agent_down_time = 180
report_interval = 60

To be honest, you could even go higher. Let me know if it works for you.

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answered 2015-09-22 12:23:02 +0200

Could you please post the logs for the HyperV agent?

You can find the logs in c:\Openstack\Logs\neutron-hyperv-agent.log

I would suggest using pastebin or rather.

Thank you! Adelina

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Asked: 2015-09-18 11:26:53 +0200

Seen: 479 times

Last updated: Oct 08 '15