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Is there a problem in the usage?

asked 2015-10-30 05:08:34 +0300

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When Cloudbase-init is used, it becomes the following flows. ()Adhering is a part that operates by the automatic operation.

  1. Make the Windows instance.
  2. Install Cloudbase-init.
  3. Execute Sysprep.
  4. Shutdown
  5. Image collection
  6. Make the Windows instance by using the image of operation 5.
  7. (Boot the instance)
  8. (Sysprep minisetup operates. )
  9. (Cloudbase-init is executed by extending sysprep minisetup (Cloudbase-init-unattend.conf is used). )
  10. (Starts Windows OS. )
  11. (Cloudbase-init starts as service (Cloudbase-init.conf is used). )

I think the following use. I want you to teach if there is a problem.

  1. Make the Windows instance.
  2. Make the response file of Sysprep (Unattend.xml).
  3. Execute Sysprep.
  4. Shutdown
  5. Image collection
  6. Make the Windows instance by using the image of operation 5.
  7. (Boot the instance)
  8. (Sysprep minisetup operates. )
  9. (Starts Windows OS. )
  10. login in Windows.
  11. Install Cloudbase-init.
  12. Start Cloudbase-init.
  13. (Start restart Windows OS)
  14. (Starts Windows OS. )
  15. (Cloubase-init starts as service (Cloudbase-init.conf is used). )

When I tried, this operation seems no problem. (The setting that need restart OS is excluded. e.g. Hostname) I want you to teach the content of the problem if there is a problem.

I think as follows.
I want to use the same image in Cloud and local environment. (KVM not openstack). On Cloud, I setup by Cloudbase-init. On local environment, I setup by other method. Therefore, I do not want to install Cloudbase-init in the Windows image.

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2 answers

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answered 2015-11-09 09:04:13 +0300


If I'm getting right, you are trying to execute Sysprep before (and without Cloudbase-Init) and prepare your image for collection (and future instances based on it), then on some particular cases only (clouds) you want to install and full-execute Cloudbase-Init service. For doing this, without extra configuration, you can remove the specialize part from the xml and do the sysprep phase, then you can install cloudbase-init service and run it from services or execute it "at hand" using cloudbase-init.exe and cloudbase-init.conf files.

Anyway, what problems did you encounter along the road?

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answered 2015-11-09 14:19:04 +0300

egami gravatar image

Hi cmiN,

Thanks a lot. I'm sorry for my bad question. Your expectation is correct.

I tried to execute the cloudbase-init at hand using Cloudbase-init.exe and cloudbase-init.conf files. Cloudbase-init restarted the Windows OS (Windows Server 2012 R2) and set all parameter. But registry "HKEYLOCALMACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Cloudbase Solutions\Cloudbase-Init" was not set. I thought that my operation was not correct.

However, I get your answer and execute same operation. I find in registry "HKEYLOCALMACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cloudbase Solutions\Cloudbase-Init". I think that my operation is correct and my recognition maybe old.

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Yes, the thing is that depending on the MSI installer architecture, the cloudbase subkey will be under the Wow6432Node (x86 installer on x64 system) or directly in the SOFTWARE key (x64 installer on x64 system). In the same way, you can find the installation directory in Program Files[ (x86)].

cmiN gravatar imagecmiN ( 2015-11-10 03:46:13 +0300 )edit

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Asked: 2015-10-30 05:08:34 +0300

Seen: 1,324 times

Last updated: Nov 09 '15