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Could not find kernel image windows/amd64/generic/win2012r2/no-such-image/boot-kernel

asked 2015-11-04 17:44:15 +0300

scubabri gravatar image

I'm using MAAS 1.8.2 and followed the cloudbase guidance on imaging and importing a windows image. But when I try to deploy I get the error "Could not find kernel image windows/amd64/generic/win2012r2/no-such-image/boot-kernel"

I've successfully used the same maas server to deploy openstack using landscape autopilot and juju.

any ideas?

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answered 2015-11-14 19:41:16 +0300

scubabri gravatar image

Somehow I have resolved this problem. Complete tear down and reinstall of maas, and a complete removal and clone of the image build repo.


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Asked: 2015-11-04 17:44:15 +0300

Seen: 4,399 times

Last updated: Nov 14 '15