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Ubuntu MAAS commissioning of WIN2012R2 boot images

asked 2014-09-30 18:59:37 +0300

Andrew_Love gravatar image

I followed: and now have a win2012r2std boot image available in my MAAS cluster.

Viewing the cluster boot image list I only see the INSTALL image whereas Ubuntu Trusty has COMMISIONING, XINSTALL and INSTALL images.

In the MAAS node edit screen I see options to select "Windows" as the OS and "Most recent release" as the Release. However when I commission the node it uses Ubuntu trusty.

How do I commission a win2012r2 node in MAAS?

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2 answers

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answered 2014-09-30 19:43:46 +0300

gabriel-samfira gravatar image

updated 2014-10-01 17:38:16 +0300

Hello Andrew,

There are 3 stages in MaaS:

  • initial discovery
  • commissioning (hardware detection)
  • Start (actual commissioning/install)

The initial discovery will detect any newly booted system on the network that booted via ethernet.

The commissioning stage is where the system boots a minimal ubuntu image, installs a set of tools and discovers the hardware of the system. After commissioning a machine, it will be in "Ready" state, at which point you can edit the node, set the OS and key, simply click on "Start" in the node screen.

Do not click on "commission" again. Click on "Start". This will start the machine (if you have a power adepter configured) and run the windows installer.

The reason why you only have the INSTALL image for windows in the cluster boot images, is that we only need INSTALL to set up windows. The first 2 steps can be done with the existing ubuntu images.

This also might be a naming issue between what the automated scripts generate, and what maas expects to find. Try the following:

mv /var/lib/maas/samba/ws2012r2std /var/lib/maas/samba/win2012r2
mkdir -p /var/lib/maas/boot-resources/current/windows/amd64/generic/win2012r2/release/
rm /var/lib/maas/boot-resources/current/windows/amd64/generic/win2012r2/release/*
for i in `ls /var/lib/maas/samba/win2012r2/boot/`; do ln -s /var/lib/maas/samba/win2012r2/boot/$i  /var/lib/maas/boot-resources/current/windows/amd64/generic/win2012r2/release/$i;done
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Hi Gabriel Many thanks for the clarification. Once I start the node it runs through a provisioning sequence much like the Ubuntu nodes and then waits at a point where its says "Cloud-init v. 0.7.5 finished at ..." Is this as expected?

Andrew_Love gravatar imageAndrew_Love ( 2014-09-30 20:37:29 +0300 )edit

Not really. Please make sure that when you edit the node, windows is selected as the OS. When you "stop" a node, it is reset to defaults (default os, default version - Ubuntu in this case). Also, can you check if the node is using the fastpath installer, or the old installer?

gabriel-samfira gravatar imagegabriel-samfira ( 2014-09-30 21:47:46 +0300 )edit

The node is tagged as use-fastpath-installer. I have stopped the node again, edited the node, selected OS=Windows, saved the node, started the node. It boots into Trusty!

Andrew_Love gravatar imageAndrew_Love ( 2014-10-01 16:21:25 +0300 )edit

I suspect what you are seeing is the fastpath installer. After editing the node and before hitting Start, Please click on "Use debian installer". That is the standard PXE installer. The fastpath installer tries to write a disk image directly to you hard disk, and that is done via a minimal ubuntu.

gabriel-samfira gravatar imagegabriel-samfira ( 2014-10-01 16:43:20 +0300 )edit

Getting somewhere ... Now in /var/log/maas/maas.log I get: "Error generating the URL of curtin's image file. No image could be found for the given selection: os=windows, arch=amd64, subarch=generic, series=win2012hvr2, purpose=xinstall" I have the following boot images: win2012r2std (amd64, generic, install, release) and win2012r2dc (amd64, generic, install, release) I guess I need to be able to select the correct image

Andrew_Love gravatar imageAndrew_Love ( 2014-10-01 17:00:52 +0300 )edit

answered 2014-10-20 18:01:58 +0300

Andrew_Love gravatar image

Couple of things to note based on my experiences so far following with virtual machines rather than physical:

  1. Where the notes say "Note: If you are deploying on a vmware/esxi environment, be sure to change your network adapter type inside your vmx files to e1000e." - This holds true for KVM/Virt too. I suspect all other hypervisors too. The WIndows Server install only seems to work with this adapter type. Anything else and the run_install.ps1 scripts start to throw network connectivity errors.

  2. Similar, any virtual hard disks need to be IDE or SATA otherwise the Windows Server installer will not recognise them. I started off with virtio (KVM/Virt) and hit problems.

Now if I could just get past the "Windows cannot find the Microsoft Software License Terms" error message ...

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Thank you for pointing that out. I will update the wiki. Vis-a-vis the error message you are getting. Can you make sure you have allocated at least 2048 MB of RAM to the VM? It seams strange, but not having enough allocated RAM may cause that error.

gabriel-samfira gravatar imagegabriel-samfira ( 2014-11-09 14:17:59 +0300 )edit

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Asked: 2014-09-30 18:59:37 +0300

Seen: 4,283 times

Last updated: Oct 20 '14