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Use Hyper-V with OpenStack and Open vSwitch


We would like to use Hyper-V with OpenStack and Open vSwitch on our OpenStack Pike deployment using Cloudbase installer.

Our setup:

  • Windows 2012 R2
  • 2 NICS
  • Teaming (bond0) with NIC1 and NIC2 using LACP
  • Multiple team VLAN interfaces on top of bond0 (bond0.70, bond0.73, etc...)
  • An IP address on each bond0.XX interfaces but not on the bond0 interface

All the VLAN are working, we are able to ping other nodes in the different networks.

We created the Hyper-V external virtual switch named vSwitch bind on our bond0 interface.

New-VMSwitch -Name vSwitch -NetAdapterName bond0 -AllowManagementOS $false

The "Cloudbase Open vSwitch Extension" has been enabled on "vSwitch" Hyper-V virtual switch.

Enable-VMSwitchExtension -VMSwitchName vSwitch -Name "Cloudbase Open vSwitch Extension"

Within Open vSwitch we have br-int and br-tun bridges, for br-tun we can see all the VxLAN tunnels created and for br-int we can see the instance ports with the tags perfectly created.

The problem is that we don't have any network connectivity in the Windows instance. The network interface is there but there is no DHCP address on it.

What step are we missing ?

Thanks for your help ! We are able to spawn instances on this Hyper-V compute but the instances don't have network connectivity like

Use Hyper-V with OpenStack and Open vSwitch


We would like to use Hyper-V with OpenStack and Open vSwitch on our OpenStack Pike deployment using Cloudbase installer.

Our setup:

  • Windows 2012 R2
  • 2 NICS
  • Teaming (bond0) with NIC1 and NIC2 using LACP
  • Multiple team VLAN interfaces on top of bond0 (bond0.70, bond0.73, etc...)
  • An IP address on each bond0.XX interfaces but not on the bond0 interface

All the VLAN are working, we are able to ping other nodes in the different networks.

We created the Hyper-V external virtual switch named vSwitch bind on our bond0 interface.

New-VMSwitch -Name vSwitch -NetAdapterName bond0 -AllowManagementOS $false

The "Cloudbase Open vSwitch Extension" has been enabled on "vSwitch" Hyper-V virtual switch.

Enable-VMSwitchExtension -VMSwitchName vSwitch -Name "Cloudbase Open vSwitch Extension"

Within Open vSwitch we have br-int and br-tun bridges, for br-tun we can see all the VxLAN tunnels created and for br-int we can see the instance ports with the tags perfectly created.

The problem is that we We are able to spawn instances on this Hyper-V compute but the instances don't have any network connectivity in the Windows instance. The connectivity, the network interface is there but there is no DHCP address on it.

What step are we missing ?

Thanks for your help ! We are able to spawn instances on this Hyper-V compute but the instances don't have network connectivity like !