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2015-06-26 23:13:49 +0200 commented answer Boot failed: not a bootable disk. No bootable device.

I have the same problem. I put the dumpxml data in pastebin with the name "dumpxml data for windowsR12 instance" Please help.

2015-06-24 20:17:25 +0200 received badge  Enthusiast
2015-06-16 18:22:56 +0200 received badge  Editor (source)
2015-06-16 17:53:53 +0200 asked a question problem with win2012r2 image

Hi, I downloaded the win2012r2 image. I checked the SHA1 signature. All right. I installed the image in Openstack Juno, launch an instance which displayed no error. The instance is running but I can not get the password using the nova command nor I can not see the console in Horizon.

This is the log from openstack:

2015-06-16 15:01:44.423 1664 DEBUG cloudbaseinit.utils.classloader [-] Loading class '' load_class C:\Program Files (x86)\Cloudbase Solutions\Cloudbase-Init\Python27\lib\site-packages\cloudbaseinit\utils\

2015-06-16 15:01:47.704 1664 DEBUG cloudbaseinit.utils.classloader [-] Loading class '' load_class C:\Program Files (x86)\Cloudbase Solutions\Cloudbase-Init\Python27\lib\site-packages\cloudbaseinit\utils\

2015-06-16 15:01:48.236 1664 DEBUG cloudbaseinit.utils.classloader [-] Loading class '' load_class C:\Program Files (x86)\Cloudbase Solutions\Cloudbase-Init\Python27\lib\site-packages\cloudbaseinit\utils\

2015-06-16 15:01:48.377 1664 DEBUG [-] Looking for Config Drive in raw HDDs getconfigdrive_files C:\Program Files (x86)\Cloudbase Solutions\Cloudbase-Init\Python27\lib\site-packages\cloudbaseinit\metadata\services\osconfigdrive\

2015-06-16 15:01:48.391 1664 DEBUG cloudbaseinit.utils.classloader [-] Loading class '' load_class C:\Program Files (x86)\Cloudbase Solutions\Cloudbase-Init\Python27\lib\site-packages\cloudbaseinit\utils\

2015-06-16 15:01:48.516 1664 DEBUG [-] Looking for Config Drive in cdrom drives getconfigdrive_files C:\Program Files (x86)\Cloudbase Solutions\Cloudbase-Init\Python27\lib\site-packages\cloudbaseinit\metadata\services\osconfigdrive\

2015-06-16 15:01:48.516 1664 DEBUG cloudbaseinit.utils.classloader [-] Loading class '' load_class C:\Program Files (x86)\Cloudbase Solutions\Cloudbase-Init\Python27\lib\site-packages\cloudbaseinit\utils\

2015-06-16 15:01:48.516 1664 DEBUG cloudbaseinit.utils.classloader [-] Loading class '' load_class C:\Program Files (x86)\Cloudbase Solutions\Cloudbase-Init\Python27\lib\site-packages\cloudbaseinit\utils\

2015-06-16 15:01:48.657 1664 DEBUG cloudbaseinit.utils.classloader [-] Loading class '' load_class C:\Program Files (x86)\Cloudbase Solutions\Cloudbase-Init\Python27\lib\site-packages\cloudbaseinit\utils\

2015-06-16 15:01:48.674 1664 DEBUG [-] Testing url: check_url C:\Program Files (x86)\Cloudbase Solutions\Cloudbase-Init\Python27\lib\site-packages\cloudbaseinit\utils\

2015-06-16 15:02:09.720 1664 DEBUG [-] Testing url: check_url C:\Program Files (x86)\Cloudbase Solutions\Cloudbase-Init\Python27\lib\site-packages\cloudbaseinit\utils\

Please help.