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2019-02-01 22:44:18 +0200 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2016-10-04 13:33:28 +0200 commented answer Windows Image with C, D, E and F Drives

Hello Adrian, Sorry for the late response, I am looking for a script that will be called to run to add the storage from the SAN and initialise the drives as per the requirement. We have a factor too, for eg if D drive is 50 GB, we need E and F to be 25 GB

2016-10-04 13:31:56 +0200 commented answer Automate domain join when we provision a Windows VM on openstack running on KVM

Hi, Just want to know if there has been any headway made in this regard. I am currently using the offline domain join but would like to explore the option of using cloud-init if there is one.

2016-10-04 13:30:04 +0200 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2016-08-05 15:47:25 +0200 commented answer Win2K12 R2 Qcow2 image with .net

Has cloudbase released any new Windows Qcow2 format images off late?

2016-07-27 12:31:57 +0200 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2016-07-15 04:40:01 +0200 commented answer Win2K12 R2 Qcow2 image with .net

Hi Avladu, These vm's don't have internet connectivity to install offline. I tried the above too but wasn't able to install Versions 3.5 or 4.5. Can you let me know if you have installed this on cloudbase it qcow2 image without internet? Regards, Nagesh

2016-07-15 04:38:01 +0200 received badge  Commentator
2016-07-15 04:38:01 +0200 commented answer Cloudbase init script for Windows Drive Initialization

Hi Adrian, Can you please let me know at what layer this is being done now. Also, what's MAAS pls? Regards, Nagesh

2016-07-13 05:49:58 +0200 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2016-07-11 14:59:02 +0200 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2016-07-11 10:21:31 +0200 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2016-07-10 20:13:47 +0200 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2016-07-08 13:23:55 +0200 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2016-07-08 09:26:40 +0200 asked a question Win2K12 R2 Qcow2 image with .net

Hi, I find the image from cloudbase is not having a built in .net and I am unable to install either. I have tried to install as a feature mounting the .iso image, offline using command line, tried installing as a stand alone but none was successful. Can you let me know how to install .net on the windows VM provisioned from your Image.

Regards, Nagesh

2016-07-06 05:59:50 +0200 received badge  Enthusiast
2016-07-05 15:17:16 +0200 asked a question Cloudbase init script for Windows Drive Initialization

Hi, I am looking for script that will be used to add the drives automatically and initialise whenever we provision a Windows VM in Openstack. Also, can we use the same for changing the drive sizes as per our requirement

Regards, Nagesh

2016-07-05 10:40:15 +0200 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2016-07-05 06:47:16 +0200 commented answer Change windows hostname when creating instance from snapshot.

Sorry for being late, there was an issue with the openstack metadata which we have fixed now. We have integrated the Openstack with ACI and the opflex agent used to freeze the metadata services. After the get update the bug has been fixed and the same is working fine now

2016-07-05 06:45:28 +0200 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2016-07-04 19:16:37 +0200 commented answer Windows Image with C, D, E and F Drives

Pls check my reply above

2016-07-04 19:15:51 +0200 answered a question Windows Image with C, D, E and F Drives

Thanks Adrian, Can you share the sample script that can be used? The requirement goes like this, We have to automate the SQL deployment for which I am creating the .ini file. That file has the options to mention where to install the DB (D Drive), Where the logs should be directed (E Drive) and application logs (F drive). Before I create the batch file the Server should have got these drives assigned. Again the size if these drives depends on the Database size that we want. For Eg, if we want the db to be 100 GB, D drive shd be 110% i.e 110 GB, E and F shd be 50% i.e 50 GB. I am looking to automate this too, can this be achieved in OpenStack? If yes, please let me know how to go about this. Appreciate your time and assistance Regards, Nagesh

2016-07-04 09:21:56 +0200 asked a question Windows Image with C, D, E and F Drives

Hi, I am wondering if we can a template with a pre configured D, E and F drives along with the C drive in OpenStack. The OS flavor can be W2k12 R2. I am using Liberty release of Suse Openstack

Regards, Nagesh

2016-06-23 16:02:22 +0200 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2016-06-10 13:21:46 +0200 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2016-05-30 19:57:43 +0200 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2016-05-23 20:40:05 +0200 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2016-05-23 19:54:08 +0200 commented answer Change windows hostname when creating instance from snapshot.

Hi, Can you let me know how to enable the config-drive?

2016-05-22 11:20:51 +0200 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2016-05-21 09:35:20 +0200 commented answer Automate domain join when we provision a Windows VM on openstack running on KVM

Hi Adrian, I was able to do this but the only concern was if we go with secure join we have to embed the credentials in the unattend.xml file on the template which is a very big security risk when we move to Production

2016-05-21 09:33:21 +0200 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2016-05-21 00:37:46 +0200 commented answer Change windows hostname when creating instance from snapshot.

I found the way out and your response really helped me to get this done.. I reinstalled the cloudinit and ran the sysprep... after booting the cloudbase forces us to change the pwd... after that I created the snapshot without shutting down the server.

2016-05-20 20:44:20 +0200 commented answer Change windows hostname when creating instance from snapshot.

Hi Adrian, I have put the log file info in the answer above.. pls let me know if it's in readable format.

2016-05-20 20:42:43 +0200 answered a question Change windows hostname when creating instance from snapshot.

Hi, Pls find the logs below: 2016-05-20 07:58:09.513 1336 INFO cloudbaseinit.init [-] Cloudbase-Init version: 0.9.9 2016-05-20 07:58:09.513 1336 DEBUG cloudbaseinit.utils.classloader [-] Loading class '' loadclass c:\program files\cloudbase solutions\cloudbase-init\python\lib\site-packages\cloudbaseinit\utils\ 2016-05-20 07:58:09.826 1336 DEBUG cloudbaseinit.utils.classloader [-] Loading class 'cloudbaseinit.plugins.common.mtu.MTUPlugin' loadclass c:\program files\cloudbase solutions\cloudbase-init\python\lib\site-packages\cloudbaseinit\utils\ 2016-05-20 07:58:09.857 1336 DEBUG cloudbaseinit.utils.classloader [-] Loading class '' loadclass c:\program files\cloudbase solutions\cloudbase-init\python\lib\site-packages\cloudbaseinit\utils\ 2016-05-20 07:58:09.873 1336 DEBUG cloudbaseinit.utils.classloader [-] Loading class 'cloudbaseinit.plugins.common.sethostname.SetHostNamePlugin' loadclass c:\program files\cloudbase solutions\cloudbase-init\python\lib\site-packages\cloudbaseinit\utils\ 2016-05-20 07:58:09.873 1336 DEBUG cloudbaseinit.utils.classloader [-] Loading class '' loadclass c:\program files\cloudbase solutions\cloudbase-init\python\lib\site-packages\cloudbaseinit\utils\ 2016-05-20 07:58:09.888 1336 DEBUG cloudbaseinit.utils.classloader [-] Loading class 'cloudbaseinit.plugins.common.networkconfig.NetworkConfigPlugin' loadclass c:\program files\cloudbase solutions\cloudbase-init\python\lib\site-packages\cloudbaseinit\utils\ 2016-05-20 07:58:09.920 1336 DEBUG cloudbaseinit.utils.classloader [-] Loading class '' loadclass c:\program files\cloudbase solutions\cloudbase-init\python\lib\site-packages\cloudbaseinit\utils\ 2016-05-20 07:58:09.920 1336 DEBUG cloudbaseinit.utils.classloader [-] Loading class 'cloudbaseinit.plugins.common.sshpublickeys.SetUserSSHPublicKeysPlugin' loadclass c:\program files\cloudbase solutions\cloudbase-init\python\lib\site-packages\cloudbaseinit\utils\ 2016-05-20 07:58:09.920 1336 DEBUG cloudbaseinit.utils.classloader [-] Loading class '' loadclass c:\program files\cloudbase solutions\cloudbase-init\python\lib\site-packages\cloudbaseinit\utils\ 2016-05-20 07:58:09.935 1336 DEBUG cloudbaseinit.utils.classloader [-] Loading class 'cloudbaseinit.plugins.common.userdata.UserDataPlugin' loadclass c:\program files\cloudbase solutions\cloudbase-init\python\lib\site-packages\cloudbaseinit\utils\ 2016-05-20 07:58:09.967 1336 DEBUG cloudbaseinit.utils.classloader [-] Loading class 'cloudbaseinit.plugins.common.setuserpassword.SetUserPasswordPlugin' loadclass c:\program files\cloudbase solutions\cloudbase-init\python\lib\site-packages\cloudbaseinit\utils\ 2016-05-20 07:58:09.998 1336 DEBUG cloudbaseinit.utils.classloader [-] Loading class '' loadclass c:\program files\cloudbase solutions\cloudbase-init\python\lib\site-packages\cloudbaseinit\utils\ 2016-05-20 07:58:10.076 1336 DEBUG cloudbaseinit.utils.classloader [-] Loading class '' loadclass c:\program files\cloudbase solutions\cloudbase-init\python\lib\site-packages\cloudbaseinit\utils\ 2016-05-20 07:58:10.092 1336 DEBUG cloudbaseinit.utils.classloader [-] Loading class 'cloudbaseinit.plugins.common.localscripts.LocalScriptsPlugin' loadclass c:\program files\cloudbase solutions\cloudbase-init\python\lib\site-packages\cloudbaseinit\utils\ 2016-05-20 07:58:10.092 1336 INFO cloudbaseinit.init [-] Executing plugins for stage 'PRENETWORKING': 2016-05-20 07:58:10 ... (more)

2016-05-20 20:41:41 +0200 commented answer Change windows hostname when creating instance from snapshot.

Hi, Please find the logs below: 2016-05-20 07:58:09.513 1336 INFO cloudbaseinit.init [-] Cloudbase-Init version: 0.9.9 2016-05-20 07:58:09.513 1336 DEBUG cloudbaseinit.utils.classloader [-] Loading class '' load_class c:\program files\cloudbase solutions\cl

2016-05-20 20:33:16 +0200 commented answer Change windows hostname when creating instance from snapshot.

do you mean to say we have to sysprep the vm before taking snapshot?

2016-05-20 20:31:46 +0200 commented answer Change windows hostname when creating instance from snapshot.

Hi Thanks for answering, can you let me know the location fo the cloudbase-init config files pls?

2016-05-20 14:37:44 +0200 asked a question Change windows hostname when creating instance from snapshot.


I have created a snapshot of the windows vm in openstack and wanted to have that changed when I create a new instance but I see the hostname remains the same as it was on the original vm from which the snapshot was created. I do not want this, I need to give my own host name for the image that I create out of that snapshot. Can you please assist

2016-05-20 14:18:05 +0200 asked a question Windows 2012R2 VM Creation in KVM


I am trying to create a windows VM on the KVM but unable to find the grid under the PCI devices on my KVM and unable to proceed further. Need support to create a windows 2012 R2 vm in KVM from .iso

Regards, Nagesh

2016-05-11 12:17:47 +0200 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2016-05-10 15:13:47 +0200 asked a question Automate domain join when we provision a Windows VM on openstack running on KVM


We need to create a template in OpenStack that will be able to join the domain whenever an end user provisions a VM from that Image. Can you please let me know if you have the expertise to assist us? The windows version will be W2012 R2 and the Hypervisor we are using in OpenStack is KVM. We are using the Suse OpenStack Cloud in our infra.

Thanks for your assistance

Regards, Nagesh