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2016-11-11 22:17:14 +0200 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2016-08-07 08:30:36 +0200 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2016-07-27 10:28:27 +0200 commented question Windows could not finish configuring the system
2016-07-27 10:27:51 +0200 commented question Windows could not finish configuring the system

Yes, the cloudbase image should come with all necessary pieces, including VirtIO. I don't get to enter the windows. When I click OK it automatically reboots and gets to the same stage. Somebody mentioned they've had many similar instability issues

2016-07-27 06:30:17 +0200 asked a question Windows could not finish configuring the system

Hi everyone! I'm on Liberty running CentOS7, when load the Win2012R2 image to glance and boot, I get this error as per below: "Windows could not finish configuring the system, to attempt resume configuration, restart the system" restarting doesn't help. (image description)

Can anyone pls advice how to fix this?

image description