2017-08-30 16:35:30 +0200 | commented question | is nova evacuate VM supported in hyperV Hi, If the original host is still up you could try to migrate the VM with 'nova migrate <vm>. |
2017-08-30 16:29:06 +0200 | commented question | is nova evacuate VM supported in hyperV Hi, If the original host is still up you could try to migrate the VM with 'nova migrate <vm> <destination host |
2017-08-30 16:28:18 +0200 | answered a question | is nova evacuate VM supported in hyperV Hi, If the original host is still up you could try to migrate the VM with 'nova migrate <vm> <destination host |
2017-08-30 12:31:00 +0200 | commented question | is nova evacuate VM supported in hyperV Hi, Can you please tell me what OpenStack release you have? Also, for VMs to migrate from one host to another, a cluste |
2017-08-29 14:18:39 +0200 | commented question | is nova evacuate VM supported in hyperV Hi, Please paste the nova commands outputs in something like https://paste.ubuntu.com/ Thank you. |
2017-05-11 11:44:07 +0200 | commented question | Configuring Open vSwitch/Neutron Agent to Use Existing Provider VLANs Hello awestin1. Seem like this is the nova config file from the controller side. Can you also please paste nova.conf from the Hyper-V side? It should be in 'C:\Program Files\Cloudbase Solutions\OpenStack\Nova\etc'. Thanks, Dan. |
2017-05-08 14:47:07 +0200 | commented answer | I can't launch instance and images. Depending on how you installed the MSI, the logs should be in 'C:\OpenStack\Log'. Please open nova-compute log file and paste its contents in http://paste.ubuntu.com. |
2017-05-05 13:58:47 +0200 | commented answer | I can't launch instance and images. Please paste the nova logs from hyperv. Please use something like http://paste.ubuntu.com Thanks. |
2017-05-05 13:54:26 +0200 | answered a question | v-magazine openstack 2 Network Adapter Problems Hi, Please make sure that "Enable MAC address spoofing" is enabled on the openstack-controller VM network adapter in which br-eth4 is connected. You find this in Advanced Features tab. Thank you. |
2017-05-05 12:45:01 +0200 | answered a question | I can't launch instance and images. Hi, If you don't want to use the openstack-controller VM but still keep it, you can just shut it down. For the service down issue, please open powershell as Administrator and run the following commands "Restart-Service nova-compute" and "Restart-Service neutron-hyperv-agent". We do not have a mobile phone version for v-magine. You can still use RDP to connect to the Windows host. Thank you. |
2017-03-08 16:30:52 +0200 | commented question | Cinder service stops Please edit the cinder.conf file and set debug=true and verbose=true. Who is IP |
2017-03-07 12:14:51 +0200 | commented question | V-Magine install fail "A start job is running for dev-mapp.." Hi, after the error occurs, what is the state of the VM? Does is it boot eventually? What about if you reboot it? Thanks. |
2017-03-07 00:43:08 +0200 | commented question | Cinder service stops Hi. Could you please repaste your cinder configuration file and the errors in something like http://paste.openstack.org/? It would do my work a lot easier. Thank you. |
2017-01-09 13:10:18 +0200 | commented question | Unable to attach volume to instance instance-00000001 This seems to be a Windows Server 2016 host issue. Does it have the latest updates? |
2017-01-06 18:53:27 +0200 | commented question | Unable to attach volume to instance instance-00000001 Right after the instance fails, if you do a "echo 'list disk' | diskpart" in powershell, what does it say? At VM creation, chose a distinct volume size so you can easily see the disk in diskpart. |
2017-01-06 17:11:50 +0200 | commented question | Unable to attach volume to instance instance-00000001 Seems like hyper-v can connect to target but cannot attach it to the VM. In powershell please try 'echo "san" | diskpart'. My suspicion is that san policy is online, which should be offline. If this is the case, try to put it offline 'san POLICY=OfflineShared'. |
2017-01-05 17:29:56 +0200 | commented question | Vms cannot connect to internet The LAN gw IP must be set on the public subnet. If you do a 'neutron subnet-show [ID]' there is a field gateway_ip, here is where you need to set LAN gw. |
2017-01-05 17:27:24 +0200 | commented question | Vms cannot connect to internet So, outside OpenStack env, you have a LAN with as default gw, right? If this is the case, the OpenStack router must NOT have IP on its own interface since that is the LAN gw. However, the router must have an interface with an IP in that range. |
2017-01-05 16:20:39 +0200 | commented answer | Unable to attach volume to instance instance-00000001 You are using the stantard LVM cinder backed or using an added FC backend? |
2016-12-21 00:32:45 +0200 | received badge | ● Supporter (source) |
2016-12-20 17:26:42 +0200 | commented question | Vms cannot connect to internet Please check if you have an external bridge connected to the wlan0 interface (you can do 'ovs-vsctl show' to check if the bridge exists and has a port in wlan0). In /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_config.ini check if a network is mapped to that bridge. |
2016-12-20 14:51:24 +0200 | commented question | Vms cannot connect to internet Hi. Did you use Hyper-V for compute? If yes, did you use OVS or hyperv-networking? Make sure the the bridge mappings are correctly configured. Information about host network configuration would be useful also. |
2016-12-15 17:43:47 +0200 | commented question | Install v-magine fail "need more than 1 value to unpack" Please try to restart rabbitmq and neutron. Check their status after. If this is not working check rabbitmq logs and paste them please. |
2016-12-14 13:59:45 +0200 | commented question | Install v-magine fail "need more than 1 value to unpack" Hi, thanks for the logs. Looks like the neutron DHCP service could not connect to the AMQP server. Took a look at the ports opened paste and could not find port 5672 listening, that is the AMQP port. Please do a 'netstat -tanpu | grep -i listen | grep 5672' and 'systemctl status rabbitmq-server'. |
2016-12-07 11:08:09 +0200 | commented question | Install v-magine fail "need more than 1 value to unpack" Please provide us the neturon logs. Also please check the state of the neutron services, like 'systemctl status neutron-server.service'. Thank you. |
2016-12-06 13:04:11 +0200 | commented question | Install v-magine fail "need more than 1 value to unpack" Looks like no one was listening on port 9696 before reboot. There should have been neutron. Good to hear it works now. If you have any issues in the future please let us know. |
2016-12-06 10:50:28 +0200 | commented question | Install v-magine fail "need more than 1 value to unpack" Can you please do a nova boot and a 'neutron net-list' from CLI? I want to see if this is an isolated issues with Horizon, something wrong with keystone, or the DB. Thanks. |
2016-12-05 10:32:50 +0200 | commented answer | Install fail "need more than 1 value to unpack" A fix has been released, with updated version 2016.1.0.4. As a workaround, try to used only alphanumeric chars for the password, no special chars. |
2016-12-05 10:31:22 +0200 | commented answer | Install fail "need more than 1 value to unpack" Hi, sorry for the delay but we were not able to reproduce this for a while. It appears to be an RDO bug, the issue was related to escaping issues when calling Bash on the Linux controller from Python with some special chars. The characters affected are the following: \ ! " |
2016-12-05 10:14:57 +0200 | commented answer | v-magine - Need more than 1 value to unpack? Hi, the timeout issue can occur during the RDO VM reboot. This can happen if the VM is slow on reboot, as the v-magine installer tries to reconnect the the VM, it times out. We had this in the past and we increased the time out. Is this the case, the VM is slow on reboot? |
2016-11-23 18:16:11 +0200 | commented question | V-Magine Setup Error The second log is unavailable. It would be great if you could re-paste it. Also, please check if there is a pyboot log file and paste it aswell. Thanks. |
2016-11-22 16:40:18 +0200 | commented question | V-Magine Setup Error You can copy the contents of the two files and paste them, separately, to http://paste.openstack.org/ for example. Please be careful to mask any passwords in the log files. |
2016-11-21 23:32:00 +0200 | commented answer | V-Magine (Installer) Don´t Start In the install folder, do you have v-magine.log and v-magine-console.log populated? If yes, it would be great if you could share that with me. Thanks. |
2016-11-21 23:25:11 +0200 | commented question | V-Magine Setup Error Hi Markus, sorry to hear you have issues with v-magine. In the install folder there are 2 .log files, v-magine.log and v-magine-console.log. It would be great if you could share those 2 files with me so I can look for issues there. Also, what version of Windows do you use? Thanks. |
2016-11-14 15:17:49 +0200 | commented question | Install v-magine fail "need more than 1 value to unpack" During the puppet run everything was OK? Can you please freeze the VM (pause in Hyper-V) right after the RDO puppet is done and look for the /etc/nova? That directory shoud be there right after the RDO finishes. Thank you. |
2016-11-11 12:39:42 +0200 | commented question | Install v-magine fail "need more than 1 value to unpack" Seems like config variables were not passed on. Please connect to the VM and see if there is a ssh key in ~/.ssh/ and if there is a in /etc/nova/nova.conf config file. This happens even after several retries? |
2016-10-17 16:01:15 +0200 | commented answer | V-Magine (Installer) Don´t Start Please make sure you are using Windows Server 2012r2 and have Hyper-V enabled on it. |
2016-10-12 17:32:56 +0200 | commented answer | ERROR : Error appeared during Puppet run: I will ask you to add this code snippet http://paste.openstack.org/show/585463/ in v-magine installer folder -> resources -> install-rdo.sh. Add it on line 202, right after '#disable_network_manager' line. |
2016-10-12 12:37:07 +0200 | answered a question | V-Magine (Installer) Don´t Start Hi. What version of Windows do you have? Do you have a v-magine process running after running the installer? |
2016-10-12 12:16:43 +0200 | commented answer | ERROR : Error appeared during Puppet run: Thanks for the details. I will try to reproduce this and come up with solutions. Will let you know the status. |
2016-10-10 15:37:00 +0200 | commented answer | Openstack install hanging What if you try ro run this command 'ntpdate pool.ntp.org' ? |
2016-10-10 13:16:48 +0200 | answered a question | Add ability to choose localisation and timezone Hi. Thanks for the feedback. We will discuss these features. |
2016-10-10 13:15:19 +0200 | answered a question | ERROR : Error appeared during Puppet run: Hi. On what Windows are your trying this? In the installer folder are 2 log files, can you please provide me the output? Also, on GUI right after the error there should be a more verbose explanation on why it failed. Thanks. |
2016-10-06 13:00:47 +0200 | commented answer | ERROR logging error 1596 3972 AsyncLoopThread [Errno socket error] Perfect, glad to hear it worked! |
2016-10-05 15:06:14 +0200 | commented answer | Openstack install hanging So there are two possible networks. The one that on which the Windows host is, and the one you specify during the install. The one important for us is the first one. Make sure you have an active DHCP on that network. |
2016-10-05 12:28:27 +0200 | commented answer | Install fail "need more than 1 value to unpack" /etc/nova and the ssh key should exist at that step of the install process. Please make sure to not delete the deployment when the error occurs. Better, when the GUI throws the error, do not touch it but go straight to command line. This way we can better isolate the problem. Thanks. |
2016-10-05 12:18:41 +0200 | answered a question | Error appeared during puppet run - While installing Hi, the installer should retry the install process after this error so just let it run. I've seen this before and the solution was to just let it retry. |
2016-10-04 16:33:39 +0200 | commented answer | Install fail "need more than 1 value to unpack" The IP must the external IP of the VM, 'mgmt-ext' interface in 'ip a' e.g. "python script.sh root admin" |