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2021-10-21 10:10:34 +0300 received badge  Enthusiast
2021-10-19 14:54:05 +0300 commented answer Deploy SQL2019 through userdata powershell

Additional informations: even if i try to feed openstack metadata for example: admin_pass , my sysprep utilizing unatten

2021-10-19 13:11:12 +0300 commented answer Deploy SQL2019 through userdata powershell

Hi, I managed to test your suggestions this morning: if the string meta_serv= is removed on both conf files it loops and

2021-10-19 09:59:51 +0300 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2021-10-19 09:59:51 +0300 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2021-10-18 16:35:38 +0300 commented answer Deploy SQL2019 through userdata powershell This is the log file. If it helps I see the VM rebooting a lot before booting and all the

2021-10-18 12:07:50 +0300 asked a question Deploy SQL2019 through userdata powershell

Deploy SQL2019 through userdata powershell I'm trying to automate the installation of SQL2019 by feeding openstack a po

2021-10-15 20:27:32 +0300 commented answer UserData loads but doesn't do anything.

Thank you very much. It worked!

2021-10-15 09:17:24 +0300 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2021-10-14 17:40:19 +0300 received badge  Editor (source)
2021-10-14 17:40:19 +0300 edited question UserData loads but doesn't do anything.

UserData loads but doesn't do anything. Hey, I've been setting up a very basic cloudbase init to test. The config files

2021-10-14 17:39:40 +0300 asked a question UserData loads but doesn't do anything.

UserData loads but doesn't do anything. Hey, I've been setting up a very basic cloudbase init to test. The config files

2021-10-14 17:38:45 +0300 asked a question UserData Loads but doesn't do anything.

UserData Loads but doesn't do anything. Hey, I've been setting up a very basic cloudbase init to test. The config files