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2023-11-03 12:26:43 +0200 commented answer Ceph large file transfer failures

I am starting a new test round, because we had a lot of version changes. And i want to make sure we didn't mix up some d

2023-11-03 12:25:08 +0200 commented answer Ceph large file transfer failures

Each client is writing 6 files at the same time. Each file is between 1 and 2 GB in size. Each file is calculated by th

2023-11-03 12:13:01 +0200 commented answer Ceph large file transfer failures

yes, i installed the cephunicodereef.msi ceph-dokan --version: ceph version 15.0.0-40965-gc0fe936a521 (c0fe936a5217aa

2023-10-25 12:42:10 +0200 received badge  Editor (source)
2023-10-25 12:42:10 +0200 edited answer Ceph large file transfer failures

Hello, we have the same problem. When the error occurs, our ceph shows "1 clients failing to respond to capability rel

2023-10-25 12:40:44 +0200 answered a question Ceph large file transfer failures

Hello, we have the same problem. When the error occurs, our ceph shows "1 clients failing to respond to capability rel

2023-10-23 15:15:25 +0200 commented answer ceph-dokan.exe "reef" - Error: invalid utf8

Thanks. This version is working.

2023-10-23 15:14:49 +0200 marked best answer ceph-dokan.exe "reef" - Error: invalid utf8


we updated our ceph servers from quincy to reef. Now we try to update our windows clients as well. But when we try to start the ceph-dokan client we get tthe error:

libc++abi: terminating due to uncaught exception of type std::runtime_error: invalid utf8

 C:\Users\Test>"c:\Program Files\Ceph\bin\ceph-dokan.exe" -c D:\Ceph\ceph_RIPs.conf --mountpoint e:\spool --id RIPs
--root-path=/server/RIPs/R01 libc++abi: terminating due to uncaught exception of type std::runtime_error: invalid utf8

With the quincy ceph-dokan.exe this worked.
Also without a config i get this error.

C:\Users\Test>"c:\Program Files\Ceph\bin\ceph-dokan.exe"  --mountpoint e:\spool
did not load config file, using default settings
unable to get monitor info from DNS SRV with service name: ceph-monlibc++abi: terminating due to uncaught exception of type std::runtime_error: invalid utf8

The strangest thing is, that when i run it in a detached process it works.

Also we activated Logging on log level 2 . No data is written in the log before the error ocours.
Has someone an idea why this error ocours?

best regards

2023-10-23 14:40:46 +0200 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2023-10-23 10:05:11 +0200 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2023-10-20 17:27:52 +0200 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2023-10-19 15:36:13 +0200 commented answer ceph-dokan.exe "reef" - Error: invalid utf8

Now the error is: 2023-10-19T14:34:00.758+0200 10 1 client.83496898 handlemdsmap epoch 2723 libc++abi: terminating due

2023-10-18 13:05:53 +0200 answered a question ceph-dokan.exe "reef" - Error: invalid utf8

For people who ask what i mean with a detached process. We normaly start the ceph-dokan.exe in the background. Therefor

2023-10-18 12:52:09 +0200 asked a question ceph-dokan.exe "reef" - Error: invalid utf8

ceph-dokan.exe "reef" - Error: invalid utf8 Hello, we updated our ceph servers from quincy to reef. Now we try to upd

2023-10-16 12:18:39 +0200 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2023-10-09 17:22:46 +0200 commented answer Installing ceph driver destroys Win10/Win11 installation

Thx, that did the trick. I didn't thought microsoft would allow me to install a unsigned driver, if secure boot was on.

2023-10-09 17:22:35 +0200 commented answer Installing ceph driver destroys Win10/Win11 installation

Thx, thatt did the trick. I didn't thought microsoft would allow me to install a unsigned driver, if secure boot was on

2023-10-09 17:21:50 +0200 marked best answer Installing ceph driver destroys Win10/Win11 installation


we tried to install the ceph windows driver. After installing the driver, windows will allways reboot directly into windows recovery mode.

We could reproduce it with




It only produces the error when i install the "Windows ceph RBD driver" . I can install the CLI . And the CLI is working fine.

We installed it on a fully patched Win10 and a fully patched Win11 . Both installations are unusable after installation. The computer is running as a virtual machine on a proxmox server. (Linux qemu server) The Windows Version is Gernan . (Maybe its a problem with the language? I know that the virtio driver has a problem with german windows versions)

We only need the CLI, so it is OK for us. But i thought you should know about this problem.

2023-10-09 17:21:50 +0200 received badge  Scholar (source)
2023-10-09 17:21:36 +0200 answered a question Installing ceph driver destroys Win10/Win11 installation

Thanks, that did the trick. I didn't thought microsoft would allow me to install a unsigned driver, if secure boot was

2023-10-09 09:34:18 +0200 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2023-10-09 09:34:18 +0200 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2023-10-06 17:57:49 +0200 asked a question Installing ceph driver destroys Win10/Win11 installation

Installing ceph driver destroys Win10/Win11 installation Hello, we tried to install the ceph windows driver. After i