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2016-11-09 18:47:03 +0200 received badge  Teacher (source)
2016-09-30 12:45:39 +0200 answered a question Cinder SMB fails to attach


This is an issue that has been fixed right after the Mitaka MSI has been released. Here you have the according bug report and bug fix:

We're going to release a new Mitaka MSI when releasing Newton (most probably next week), so you could either wait for that or apply this fix.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

Regards, Lucian Petrut

2016-09-21 13:56:15 +0200 answered a question Hyper-V instance resizing

Hi, this issue has been fixed on the master branch by the following change:

We'll backport this fix to Mitaka as soon as possible.

2016-02-26 20:04:17 +0200 commented answer ImageUnacceptable: Unsupported image format: qcow2

So you have qcow2 images stored on SMB shares, attaching them to KVM instances, right? In that case, you may want to use the Cinder Linux SMB driver. In the next Cinder release, we will support qcow2/raw images with the Windows SMB driver as well.

2016-02-26 17:55:00 +0200 answered a question ImageUnacceptable: Unsupported image format: qcow2

The Windows SMB driver supports only vhd/x images for storing the volumes. I think you are creating a volume using a Glance image, right? In that case, previously, it was converting the qcow2 image to a vhd/x image. Since this is a time consuming task, especially if done often and having large images, we now expect the provided image to be a vhd/x image.

You could convert the image to vhd or vhdx before submitting it to Cinder.

2016-02-23 11:18:38 +0200 received badge  Enthusiast
2016-02-16 15:34:24 +0200 commented answer Live-Migration fails with cinder SMB backend - error code 5 Access Denied

I was able to replicate your issue and submitted a new patch. Please let me know how this works for you: Downstream Cinder Liberty patch: os-win patch:

2016-02-15 13:05:48 +0200 commented answer Live-Migration fails with cinder SMB backend - error code 5 Access Denied

What SMB share backend are you guys using? Is it a Windows share, Samba share or a NAS based one? I'm wondering if the locks are handled properly by the share backend, or perhaps it's the share mode flags. Either way, I'm looking further into this.

2016-02-02 13:05:20 +0200 answered a question Live-Migration fails with cinder SMB backend - error code 5 Access Denied


When a live migration is performed, the destination host will initialize the connection to all the volumes connected to the instance. Cinder plays a role in this process, ensuring that the volume can be accessed by the destination host, providing the relevant connection information. In this case, Cinder will attempt to open the image to retrieve the format.

Now, this seems to cause your issue. It appears that in some environments, the access mask is not handled properly and we are unable to open in-use images. The good news is that I've just sent a fix for this: (os-win, used by Cinder M) (downstream Cinder Liberty repo)

Unfortunately, the Cinder policy related to backports would not allow us to send this fix on the upstream Libery branch as they only accept backporting security bug fixes. Anyway, you can use our downstream repo provided above.

Please let me know if this fixes your issue. We'll provide an updated MSI soon.

Regards, Luci

2015-10-22 16:43:58 +0200 commented question Nano VM start fails

Can you please make sure that the hyperv ML2 mechanism driver is enabled on your Neutron controller? Note that networking-hyperv is required.

2015-10-22 16:43:32 +0200 answered a question Nano VM start fails

Can you please make sure that the hyperv ML2 mechanism driver is enabled on your Neutron controller? Note that networking-hyperv is required.

2015-09-11 17:40:57 +0200 answered a question Reboot loop when booting a glance windows image with cloud-init

Please provide the cloudbase-init logs as well, just to make sure you're not having this issue:

2015-03-13 16:07:30 +0200 received badge  Editor (source)
2015-03-13 16:06:32 +0200 answered a question Boot failed: not a bootable disk. No bootable device.

Are you sure that the image is ok? Can you please paste the output of the following commands? (preferably using pastebin)

qemu-img info <unarchived_image_path>

qemu-img check <unarchived_image_path>

domainname=$(nova show <instance_display_name> | grep instancename | awk '{print $4}')

virsh dumpxml $domain_name

2014-12-10 14:31:30 +0200 answered a question ambiguousEndpoints Exception during attach volume in multi region

This is not actually a bug. If the same endpoint is available in multiple regions, you must specify which region should be used.

One of the ways of doing this is by using the endpointtemplate config option, which you already did. Also, you may pass the region name using --os-region-name when using the attach command or you may put OSREGION_NAME variable in env.

Regards, Lucian