Win2012 boot error on Openstack in Vmware env
I have Openstack (1 controller and 2 computes) installed in 3 VM on Vmware ESXI environment, only for testing purposes. On this nodes, virt-what gives "vmware". Linux instances start successfully, but no luck with Windows.
I downloaded the Eval KVM version of Windows Server 2012 made by Cloudbase and uploaded it in glance using the following, as suggested on your website: glance image-create --property hypervisortype=qemu --name "Windows Server 2012 R2 Std Eval" --container-format bare --disk-format qcow2 < /path/windowsserver2012r2standardevalkvm20151021.qcow2 .
When I launch the instance and open the Console, I get status 0xc0000001. I read a lot about that but I cannot find a solution which fits for me. I would like to know if the problem is related to this specific vmware environment, because the image is for KVM and not vmware virtualization.
In compute /etc/nova/nova.conf I have virt_type=qemu, If I change it in "kvm" even Linux instances don't start anymore.
Thanks a lot for any advice!