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Use Cinder with CSV

asked 2016-10-20 13:50:01 +0300

Matthieu gravatar image


We are using a Windows 2016 Hyper-V Cluster with Mitaka, and we would like to know if that's possible to use Cinder to manage volume on local CSV storage ? If not is there a way to get instance resizing working when the instances_path is set to a SMB share. (Our goal is not to have VHDX splitted between CSV and SMB)


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answered 2016-11-11 13:20:01 +0300

lpetrut gravatar image


This has been fixed recently and it should be included in the Mitaka 13.1 release. Still, I suggest upgrading to Newton if possible, as it includes some other fixes as well in order to properly support this scenario.

Even if CSVs are used, our drivers are relying on SMB shares exporting them (although being able to detect this scenario and act accordingly).

Regards, Luci

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Asked: 2016-10-20 13:50:01 +0300

Seen: 271 times

Last updated: Nov 11 '16