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A problem about HyperV agent use GRE

asked 2016-10-25 12:16:58 +0200

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my env:Devstack(Mitaka)+hyperV(Cloudbase Mitaka)

When the tenant network set to flat or vlan model, it does well. But as for GRE, it does not work.


[DEFAULT] verbose=true debug=True controlexchange=neutron policyfile=C:\Program Files\Cloudbase Solutions\OpenStack\Nova\etc\policy.json rpcbackend=rabbit logdir=E:\OpenStack\Log\ logfile=neutron-hyperv-agent.log [AGENT] pollinginterval=2 physicalnetworkvswitchmappings=*:hypervexternalvswitch enablemetricscollection=false workercount=1 [SECURITYGROUP] firewalldriver=neutron.plugins.hyperv.agent.securitygroupsdriver.HyperVSecurityGroupsDriver enablesecuritygroup=false [oslomessagingrabbit] rabbithost= rabbitport=5672 rabbituserid=stackrabbit rabbitpassword=123456 [NVGRE] enablesupport=True providertunnelip=


2016-10-24 21:53:15.729 3104 ERROR neutron File "C:\PROGRA~1\CLOUDB~1\OPENST~1\Nova\Python27\lib\site-packages\oswin\utils\network\", line 83, in createproviderroute 2016-10-24 21:53:15.729 3104 ERROR neutron NextHop=constants.IPV4DEFAULT) 2016-10-24 21:53:15.729 3104 ERROR neutron File "C:\PROGRA~1\CLOUDB~1\OPENST~1\Nova\Python27\lib\site-packages\oswin\utils\network\", line 131, in _createnewobject 2016-10-24 21:53:15.729 3104 ERROR neutron newobj =**args) 2016-10-24 21:53:15.729 3104 ERROR neutron File "C:\PROGRA~1\CLOUDB~1\OPENST~1\Nova\Python27\lib\site-packages\", line 59, in funcwrapper 2016-10-24 21:53:15.729 3104 ERROR neutron return func(args, *kwargs) 2016-10-24 21:53:15.729 3104 ERROR neutron TypeError: new() got an unexpected keyword argument 'NextHop' 2016-10-24 21:53:15.729 3104 ERROR neutron

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answered 2016-10-25 19:56:53 +0200

aserdean gravatar image


Neutron-hyperv-agent does not support GRE tunnel types.

Please use neutron-ovs-agent with Open vSwitch on Windows.

Here is a quick guide how to set it up:

For GRE just replace the line: tenant_network_type = vxlan with tenant_network_type = gre

Thank you, Alin.

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Asked: 2016-10-25 12:16:58 +0200

Seen: 260 times

Last updated: Oct 25 '16