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sysprep - windows rearm/update issues

asked 2016-12-16 16:47:29 +0200

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Hello, My question regarding to this " updating windows images sysprep "

I want to update openstack windows-server image which was created recently but when I convert this template to VM and turn it on, do some things/commands etc. and convert it back to template I can see issue like this:

  1. Deployed Windows-server has same machine ID as template's ID (seems like a sysprep didn't run) a.k.a each new server will have same machine ID

In question, asked before (which I regarding to) is mentioned that before shutdown and convert back to template I must Delete CloudBase registry and also run sysprep with shutdown option.

Also, Can Someone explain me full windows-based image creation? I've read all the documentation to cloudbase-init but I still not fully undestood the concept.

Question about cloudbase config:

  1. In default cloudbase configuration I can see Unnatend.xml where is this section? <component name="Microsoft-Windows-PnpSysprep" .....="" what="" command="" this="" "microsoft-windows-pnpsysprep"="" calls?<="" p="">

  2. How can I automate process of auto-syspreping also Cloudbase registry removing,, when I convert image to VM and back? Is it possible, at all.

  3. Please simply describe me right approach for creating template/image for openstack.

Basic info:

  • Openstack Kilo
  • VMware 5.5 hypervisor
  • Windows Server 2012 R2

Thanks. :)

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3 answers

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answered 2016-12-19 17:47:17 +0200

avladu gravatar image


In this case I suggest to use as a starting point the automated tool to create Windows images:

But if I am correct, you need to use the cloudbase-init installer to perform the sysprep for you. You can download the installer from here:

If you need to update an already created image, this depends on many factors like: the creation tool you used, if the image already has cloudbase-init, if it has been syspreped before, if it has been already started, etc. Can you give more details on the image?

Thank you,
Adrian Vladu

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If you already have a VMware template, if you start the VM from that template, you already "taint" the image and you need to re-sysprep and reinstall cloudabase-init.Also now I already know where was the problem with my re-converted image. Thanks

mariakatosvich gravatar imagemariakatosvich ( 2017-01-03 09:58:56 +0200 )edit

answered 2016-12-21 14:36:15 +0200

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This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.


Very thanks for quick response, I don't want to automate this process.

I mean this case:

  1. Install VM with windows os
  2. Install Cloudbase-init and run sysprep / then shutdown
  3. Convert VM into VMware template
  4. Discover template by openstack and use it as image

But when I want to make change in this template how can I do that? I mean this:

  1. Convert template back to VM and run it
  2. Make some changes in VM / then shutdown
  3. Convert back to template / to use it in openstack as image.

Is this way ok?Or should I run sysprep manually when I convert template back to VM?

Also, can you help me with understanding Cloudbase workflow? When I Create VM with Windows and just install cloudbase-init then shutdown, is this way good? Or Is needed more? I mean can you fully explain steps, how to make Windows image? As I wrote above, Just steps.

Thanks Michail

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In your case, I suggest to leave a golden like image, which deos not have cloudbase-init installed and make changes on that one. If you already have a VMware template, if you start the VM from that template, you already "taint" the image and you need to re-sysprep and reinstall cloudabase-init.

avladu gravatar imageavladu ( 2016-12-21 14:50:25 +0200 )edit

The new image steps are very good, in that order. But the modified image steps -- this is highly dependent on your environment. The right approach would be to use the golden image as a starting point for the changes. The golden image is unsyspreped and does not have cloudbase-init installed.

avladu gravatar imageavladu ( 2016-12-21 14:53:23 +0200 )edit

Very thanks for quick response, again :), Okay, that's great to know these things, Also now I already know where was the problem with my re-converted image. So I'll create golden image and if I'll be forced to make any changes in image, I'll create antoher one from golden. Again Very thanks Adrian.

Michail Smirnov gravatar imageMichail Smirnov ( 2016-12-21 15:09:19 +0200 )edit

My pleasure. Glad to be of help!

avladu gravatar imageavladu ( 2016-12-21 15:47:54 +0200 )edit

Also I have another one question: How to deploy Windows VM from VMware template by openstack (VMware Template = clean golden image without sysprep!), so the deployed Windows VM would be syspreped, with beautiful new hostname and IP address?

Michail Smirnov gravatar imageMichail Smirnov ( 2016-12-21 23:41:03 +0200 )edit

answered 2016-12-21 15:07:02 +0200

jrack gravatar image

Thus far I am having some pretty good success on not sysprepping and having to worry about rearm if I need to do an unseal/reseal operation. Doesn't mean that I won't stumble across some rogue software that relies on machine sid for key identity processes, but going ok thus far.

The manual says sysprep for all clones I get it, but as others have talked about in this forum even Russinovich leaves it a bit open ended.

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Asked: 2016-12-16 16:47:29 +0200

Seen: 1,337 times

Last updated: Dec 21 '16