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wFreeRdp does not launch

asked 2014-08-04 20:02:23 +0200

Tiago Gomes gravatar image

updated 2014-08-04 21:18:13 +0200

wFreeRDP.exe exits immediately after launching showing no window or error. Also tried: wFreeRDP.exe /help and wFreeRDP.exe /version via command line and no output is returned.

Running on Windows 7 SP1 64bits Downloaded nightly build at 2014/08/01 (Updates: 2014/06/07)

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I tried download from out 2014/08/28. Got the same results on Windows 7 SP1 64bits.

dzmitry lahoda gravatar imagedzmitry lahoda ( 2014-08-28 16:06:22 +0200 )edit

2 answers

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answered 2014-08-19 22:09:54 +0200

alexpilotti gravatar image

Hi, the FreeRDP image that we build is a continuous build of the code available on github, so for issues I'd suggest to write on the FreeRDP mailing list, IRC (#FreeRDP on FreeNode) and/or open an issue on GitHub:

Unfortunately wfreerdp ATM does not provide any console output, so command line parameters need to be entered correctly or otherwise wfreerdp will simply and quietly exit.

We usually typically embedded in PowerShell cmdlets, which handle the CLI interactions, but this definitely needs to be addressed ASAP.

Finally about Windows XP, that's a regression introduced in FreeRDP and as such the issue needs to be reported on

GetTickCount64 has been introduced on Windows 2008 / Vista, so the build is broken on Windows 2003 and below.

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@alexpilotti, concerning the Xp trouble, some ressources seems to tell it is just compilation parameters (`_WIN32_WINNT` and `WINVER`) to adjust when using "too recent" VS version : telling the compiler the target is XP. See

frederic gravatar imagefrederic ( 2015-04-04 13:14:42 +0200 )edit

answered 2014-08-19 17:01:46 +0200

I also have questions about this windows build of FreeRDP.

  1. It doesn't run under 32-bit Windows XP at all, fails with "GetTickCount64 entry point could not be found in KERNEL32.dll". I thought maybe it's 64-bit binary and tested on Win8 x64, but it works there, and it's 32-bit exe. But it calls a function only found on 64-bit systems? I'm confused. Anyway, I just found this: "Windows Vista or newer. It does neither build nor run on XP." I'm not sure what a required component missing in WinXP is though.

  2. Regarding console output. Yes, this is weird with wFreeRDP. I guess they did something to hide standard console output, so that running normally wouldn't produce extra console windows. Problem is when we need that output, like looking up options and whatnot. One way of getting to it is via console redirection. "wfreerdp /help > help.txt" works. They also removed support for old style syntax, apparently, so "wfreerdp <host>" is now "wfreerdp /v:<host>" and so on, look up the new syntax.

  3. On one system where I've tried it so far and it works when connected to our main rdp server, colors are wrong. I've read about similar problems with freerdp on some linuxes where desktop wasn't running at 24/32 bits, but now it's windows->windows and we have the same problem.

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Asked: 2014-08-04 20:02:23 +0200

Seen: 10,905 times

Last updated: Aug 19 '14